Nexus Rewards

Review score
★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars based on 5 reviews)
Country US United States
Est. Revenue 2018$0.00
Est. Revenue 2019$0.00
Est. Revenue 2020$0.00
Est. Revenue 2021$1.00
Est. Revenue 2022$1.00
Est. Revenue 2023$1.00
Est. per year$350,000
Est. per month$29,167
Est. per week$6,730.77
Est. per day$958.90
Est. per hour$39.95
Est. per minute$0.67
Est. per second$0.01
Est. since viewing this page$0.01
Business Grade

Business For Home recommends selectively offering based on professional judgment. There is at least moderate certainty that the net benefit is small for a distributor.

About the company
CEO Art and Rob Phelps CO-CEO"s
Instagram N/A
Twitter N/A

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Nexus Rewards Rating by Business For Home

Direct Selling professionals have rated this company based on their experience as a user of the reviewed products and opportunity. The reviews of the products and opportunity usually comments on how well the company measures up to expectations based on the specifications provided by company. Observations are factual as well as subjective in nature. The reviews comment on service experienced, and dependability or trustworthiness of the distributor.

★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars based on 5 reviews)
Raymond Follmer 2024-02-12 18:42:24

It’s a very simple program and no selling . Use the apps and get cash back and save . Use the premium apps and save more . New apps coming soon. Very cheap price to get involved and yes some people use the free apps already but that’s ok because through Nexus you can link your referrals to you and benefit more . Only get involved if you want to save and make money. There are lots of programs out there that are expensive and hard to sell. No selling here. I have been networking for a long time and it’s very hard to find a good program but finally Nexus Rewards .

Dan G. Fox 2024-01-21 02:10:55

Nexus Reward was already a company with lots of benefits and savings, but now with their newly revamped comp plan, it is really awesome. The new comp plan is called Nexus Snap and through it you can get paid 6 different ways. You can even be paid on free members.

Plus with the fast start bonus and the 3×10 forced matrix it makes it easy for anyone to make money with this system.

As a free member you can get three apps that will save you on purchases including gasoline, groceries and more. Plus you can earn from purchases you have been already making at the same stores.

Then for the members, there are a lot more benefits.

I highly Recommend Nexus Snap for rookies and veterans alike.

Johnny Thomas 2023-05-24 02:29:56

This company is amazing with the thought process and careful observation. The founders has put their knowledge, expertise and experience that anyone can succeed. The Cashback App Movement is in its time and the opportunity is awesome. The majority of people are already purchasing and the most part are not saving consistently. I like the offer of a 100% Money Back Guarantee. This is the first and only company that allows you to make money from free signups. The cost to start the business is low cost and no risk, what a deal. The Compensation plan is incredible from level one and increases from the next 9 levels. Here is my mindset with a minimum of 1000 Associates on my front line x $10 per subscriber, do the MATH. I have done my due diligence and I highly recommend for anyone who wants better to make a greater impact in the world. As a leader in my community, I can help who wants better for their life and 👪. This is very exciting with no selling and no recruiting people will see it. Imagine what your frontline with 1000 Associates looks like. The 1000 Associates I am putting together having the same.

Gale Smith 2023-05-20 17:58:10

This company, Nexus Rewards is amazing and I Love the savings apps and portals providing income on everything I do and health products that bring longevity and life to build Nexus Rewards!!
I have saved on gas groceries, car ins, internet.
*With benefit hub my Car ins went from $135 to $96 a month. Savings of over $468 a year.
*Nexus Bill Reduction. I was paying $57 a month for internet. They got the plan down to $31 a month.
Savings of $312 a year.
*FETCH accumulating receipt points (as of now) is around 50,000 –as I scan each receipt these points will go toward gifts for Christmas.
*UPSIDE savings each time I go is like a piggy bank. I love getting money back, from my referrals and every time I fill up.

Randy Atkinson 2023-05-20 17:35:56

The benefits package in the program are factual and the savings are real “verified” personally. Very straightforward business plan and compensation is member oriented. New members make their investment and monthly back immediately also an option to join free and still make money. I recommend Nexus Rewards very highly, not just because I’m a member but there’s never been a better time with Inflation to save on things you’re already purchasing.. great opportunity for anyone who wants to save on purchases & make income on referrals. Join for free get savings and make money and upgrade if you decide at any time for greater savings and income potential. Truly the best overall opportunity for anyone I’ve seen in 20 years, doesn’t matter if you’re already involved with another opportunity Nexus Rewards isn’t traditional physical products So limited competition amongst your other business. I believe this is the Ideal Opportunity for todays World.

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