
Review score
★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars based on 9 reviews)
Country CN China
Est. Revenue 2018$450.00
Est. Revenue 2019$435.00
Est. Revenue 2020$435.00
Est. Revenue 2021$435.00
Est. Revenue 2022$435.00
Est. Revenue 2023$435.00
Est. per year$152.25 million
Est. per month$12.69 million
Est. per week$2.93 million
Est. per day$417,123
Est. per hour$17,380
Est. per minute$289.67
Est. per second$4.83
Est. since viewing this page$4.83
Business Grade

Business For Home recommends selectively offering based on professional judgment. There is at least moderate certainty that the net benefit is small for a distributor.

About the company

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Tiens Rating by Business For Home

Direct Selling professionals have rated this company based on their experience as a user of the reviewed products and opportunity. The reviews of the products and opportunity usually comments on how well the company measures up to expectations based on the specifications provided by company. Observations are factual as well as subjective in nature. The reviews comment on service experienced, and dependability or trustworthiness of the distributor.

★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars based on 9 reviews)
Umakant Utpal 2022-08-12 09:37:12

Tiens is the best platform for me and others. Tiens family is the solution of these all problems which presents in our life.We follow the Motto “Prevention is better than cure.” Tiens have exelent products and compensation plan as well i have experienced amazing results of tiens products on different cases specially for heart patients and high bp patients and also good for liverand stomach and tiens products also for preventing from disease because prevention is better than cure so i recommend all people's to check these products and stay healthy and then share to others and tiens also giving a oppertunity to you to become a independent distributer and earn a good income on part time and full time basis and fullfill your dreams and give a quality life to your family! I see how people who use the products remain satisfied and I am also pleased that there is recognition. Every year the company offers many stimulating programs that are interesting to implement.
Better Tiens Better Life.

Muhammad Mutahir 2021-06-16 07:31:21

Tiens is the best platform for me and other ?❤️life changing platform. InshAllah this platform became a change in my life.
Two big missions of mister li jinuyan
First is the health and second is the wealth. It's a good opppotunity to achieve big income. I reccomend kordyceps, supercalcium, vigorshot, zink. So with Tiens we receive health and wealth as a business for home. Through the business with Tiens we reach different countries, partners and customers. Great online store, affordable and easy to use for customers and partners. Opportunities and prosperity when you create a network and work in a team with talented partners.

Selçuk Yalçıntaş 2021-04-30 12:06:54

2019 haziran ayından bu yana tiens le birilkte çalışıyorum.zaman ve para dengesini kurabileceğim ailemle daha fazla sosyal yaşam paylaşabildiğim ve kaliteli sağlıklı yaşam ürünleri ile zinde ,genç bir yaşam sürmekteyiz,ayrıca evde günlük tüketim ürünleriylede fark yaratan bir firma özellikle airiz hijyenik kadın pedi,, ve arkasındaki müthiş ticari pazar ,,ve en güzelide kendimiz kazanırken başaklarınada danışmanlık yaparak kazanmalarını sağlayabiliyoruz,,,türkiyedeyim ve şu anda 1320 kişilik bir organizasyona sahibim tek bir sistemle 190 ülkeye aynı ticari planla iş kurabiliyorum,özel müniversitesi olması ve NASA ya astronot yiyeceği üretmesi, birleşmiş milletler resmi gıda tedarikçisi olması 2015 yılında guınnes rekorlar kitabına girmesi kullanıcılarına müthiş güven vermekte

Ravshan 2020-11-25 12:58:53

Tiens is best of the bests!!!
I am from Tajikistan and I have used Tiens products.I have had a back pain, after using products all problems were solved.Also I have met a goup of kind people who helped me a lot and I am glad that such kind of people become my friends! I have a lot of great events to say about the company, which I have attend.All events in Tajikistan were great and people were happy.Business in company is very clear and everybody can do it.Because main thing in business is speaking and do not worry there will be your partner, who teaches you speaking, too.
Tiens have exelent healthy and welness products and satisfacted compensation plan.
TIENS is a excellent platform for me and others. We follow the Motto “Prevention is better than cure.”

Pathik Dhal 2020-11-19 06:00:29

TIENS is a excellent platform for me and others. We follow the Motto “Prevention is better than cure.” Tiens have exelent products and compensation plan as well i have experienced amazing results of tiens products on different cases specially for heart patients and high bp patients and also good for liverand stomach and tiens products also for preventing from disease because prevention is better than cure so i recommend all people's to check these products and stay healthy and then share to others and tiens also giving a oppertunity to you to become a independent distributer and earn a good income on part time and full time basis and fullfill your dreams and give a quality life to your family! I see how people who use the products remain satisfied and I am also pleased that there is recognition. Every year the company offers many stimulating programs that are interesting to implement.
Better Tiens Better Life.

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