
Review score
★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars based on 8 reviews)
Country US United States
Est. Revenue 2018$400.00
Est. Revenue 2019$350.00
Est. Revenue 2020$368.00
Est. Revenue 2021$368.00
Est. Revenue 2022$368.00
Est. Revenue 2023$368.00
Est. per year$128.80 million
Est. per month$10.73 million
Est. per week$2.48 million
Est. per day$352,877
Est. per hour$14,703
Est. per minute$245.05
Est. per second$4.08
Est. since viewing this page$4.08
Business Grade

Business For Home recommends the opportunity. There is high certainty that the net benefit is moderate or there is moderate certainty that the net benefit is moderate to substantial for an distributor.


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Younique Rating by Business For Home

Direct Selling professionals have rated this company based on their experience as a user of the reviewed products and opportunity. The reviews of the products and opportunity usually comments on how well the company measures up to expectations based on the specifications provided by company. Observations are factual as well as subjective in nature. The reviews comment on service experienced, and dependability or trustworthiness of the distributor.

★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars based on 8 reviews)
Deborah van Hal 2023-02-07 20:45:50

Best company ever and the only products I can use on my very sensetive skin.

Why is this the best company ever:
1. Mission first (Uplift, Empower, Validate)
2. Own charity Saprea for survivoir of child sexual abuse
3. Derek give more than take and cares about us very much
4. Family feeling when you are a presenter
5. Own Training centre
6. Best PayPlan ever (Renewed in June 2022)

When you get the opportunity take it because it change your life in a very good way.
I grown from a little insure girl to a confident woman and learn English in 2 years.

I've joint Younique in november 2020! I never quit the journey with Younique!

Maria Rychlewska 2022-09-02 00:33:07

Postanowiłam napisać recenzję po Polsku gdyby któraś z naszych rodaczek natknęła się na tą stronę, kiedy firma będzie wchodzić do Polski i będą mogły zrozumieć recenzje w swoim języku.

Dziewczyny ta firma jest cudowna ! Z pasją, z misją ! Procent ze sprzedaży jest przekazywany na fundację kobiet molestowanych seksualnie w dzieciństwie! ❤️‍🩹

Można spokojnie zastąpić swoja prace na pełen etat pracujac tutaj 🙂

Chociaż praca bym tego nie nazwała ponieważ to sama przyjemność ❤️

Kosmetyki są luksusowej jakości, społeczność życzliwa i kochana! Poznałam wiele wspaniałych przyjaźni!

Zdobyłam już przez dwa lata dwie wycieczki (na Dominikanę i do Meksyku) dwa iPady Apple, biżuterię, torebki i wieeeeele innych wspaniałych nagród. Nie licząc oczywiście bonusów pieniężnych 🤑🤑

Polecam dziewczyny!! Zakochacie się!!

Jeśli będziecie potrzebować pomocy zawsze mozecie mnie wyszukać w sieci po moim imieniem i nazwiskiem 🙂 ❤️

Tamee Beachum 2020-07-16 14:45:36

I have been with this company since November 2014 and I have seen so many changes for more growth and opportunity. Derek and Melanie are a Brother and Sister team that are both humble and honest. They share their heartfelt stories and dreams with the Presenters and encourage us to share ours. They spoil their Presenters every chance they get, and they make sure the overall mission for us all is to “uplift, empower and validate“ each other. We value each other as Sisters across the world. If you are a Presenter, you are a “Y-Sister” or a “YESTIE.”

Our Spray Foundation has been so amazing that it has been hard to keep in stock! All of our makeup is hypoallergenic, and as a gal that is literally allergic to EVERYTHING, it is perfect for me! We also have a concealer that can actually cover tattoos!

I am about to earn my FOURTH incentive trip and I absolutely CANNOT WAIT! Last year I actually got to check going to Atlantis off my bucket list and swim with a dolphin named Paulo.

Sara Drost 2019-10-02 20:20:57

I love this company for so many reasons. The products are top-notch, compensation is fair, the owners are so kind and humble, but most of all it truly lives up to its motto of "Uplift. Empower. Validate." The support system I am blessed to be a part of is nothing short of outstanding. I have been with the company over 5 years now and have no plans to leave.

My favorite products are the YOU*ology cleanser, the cleansing stick for waterproof makeup, the Precision Brow Pencil (so easy to use with epic results) the new 4D Mascara & the Lip Exfoliator.

The training they offer is expansive & makes your business journey SO much easier. Again, I just can't say enough good things about this company! I highly recommend Younique!!

Karen Billings 2019-09-20 10:22:50

I have been with Younique for just over a year now and I am at present a Yellow Status presenter. I love everything about this Company. The very high standard of the products and how they are always bringing out new ones to make sure we stay ahead of the game. I love the way we are looked after as Presenter's no matter what out Status may be.
Excellent payment scheme, Fantastic no quibble returns policy, great incentives. Derek Maxfield and Melanie Huxford are down to earth people with a big heart that make a difference through supporting the Defend Innocence Foundation. Love it!!!!

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