
Review score
★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars based on 30 reviews)
Country SE Sweden
Est. Revenue 2018$59.00
Est. Revenue 2019$77.00
Est. Revenue 2020$114.00
Est. Revenue 2021$137.00
Est. Revenue 2022$144.00
Est. Revenue 2023$168.00
Est. per year$80.64 million
Est. per month$6.72 million
Est. per week$1.55 million
Est. per day$220,932
Est. per hour$9,205.48
Est. per minute$153.42
Est. per second$2.56
Est. since viewing this page$2.56
Business Grade

Business For Home recommends the company. There is high certainty that the net benefit is substantial for a distributor.


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Zinzino Rating by Business For Home

Direct Selling professionals have rated this company based on their experience as a user of the reviewed products and opportunity. The reviews of the products and opportunity usually comments on how well the company measures up to expectations based on the specifications provided by company. Observations are factual as well as subjective in nature. The reviews comment on service experienced, and dependability or trustworthiness of the distributor.

★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars based on 30 reviews)
Kevin Johnparto 2024-04-02 22:50:29

Costumer friendly and innovative company. Extremely good leadership and best compensation plan. The company has a long term goal to bring people around the world back to balance, healthy lifestyle and better economy. That’s makes me excited everyday. We have just started and we know we have a lot to do. But step by step we are going to reach that goal and improve and impact in many people’s life!
Costumer friendly and innovative company. Extremely good leadership and best compensation plan. The company has a long term goal to bring people around the world back to balance, healthy lifestyle and better economy. That’s makes me excited everyday. We have just started and we know we have a lot to do. But step by step we are going to reach that goal and improve and impact in many people’s life!

Kecskés István 2023-12-27 16:22:00

It gives a lot of help at the start and it's stability is great even on small levels. The initial package investment pays off quickly. I love this.There are many additional bonuses and great campaigns to help our work.
Hybrid binary has a lot of potential to make a wonderful income. It is customer-friendly and you can also build a separate customer career. This means additional active and passive income.
You can really work as a team here, because the success of others is our success. Customers also have a special motivation. They can even get a product for free if they also recommend it. That's awesome too. I love instant cash bonuses. It will be visible after a few minutes. The best system I've ever worked in!

Edyta 2023-11-21 21:58:31

Zinzino, considered as a "small part of the whole", is a stable company with results. Their product regarding the well-being of the human body is worth paying attention to. The company presents itself solidly and has achieved management success, which adds credibility to it. It is worth the fact that the product offered by Zinzino not only meets expectations, but also supports human health. Then ask for a complaint that may be raised by customers who are looking for not only effective but also holistic solutions. Zinzino security is a well-established software in the market, paying attention to quality and healthy lifestyle.

Hüseyin Ağuş 2023-11-06 05:36:50

Zinzino bir hayat felsefesi, ürünler inanılmaz geri dönüşlü, kazançları Euro bazlı ödeme, distribütörlerini önemseyen özelliği ile ön plana çıkıyor.Test tekniği ile ticari iş yapınızı çok rahat oluşturma fırsatı sunuyor, Norveç menşeli olması ayrıca güven veriyor,piyasada Norveç ürünü denildiğinde rağbet daha fazla olmasının altındaki neden ise güven olarak görüyorum, ticareti organizasyon içindeki tüm distribütörler kollektiif yardımlaşma bilinci ile hareket ediyor.E ticaret alt yapısı ile bir dünya iş yapmanıza olanak sağlıyor

Sabine Wuensche 2023-05-20 17:47:17

Best company with best products. Blood tests shows we can change peoples live. I can see it as Health Coach, Holistic Health Therapist and Entrepreneur. The compensation plan is great. We tested 1 Mill. people in over 43 countries. The results prove we are on the right way. And people learn the root cause of health issues. So our teaching program helps people to live a healthier life. Zinzino provides the logistic, the education program, regular weekly webinars where people can start without experiences in network. We are working in a team and the annual events organised from the company are inspiring. Zinzino offers a great opportunity to build your own e-commerce business.

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