Recommended Distributors (28)
Cherry Li
Gerhard & Jeanette Reheusser
Arlo Mathison
Sascha Pölzl
Cristian Pelillo
Tamás Dr Nagy
Peter Andreas Sørensen
Maurizio Conti
Peter de Moor
Top earner
Top Earners (15)
Ria Kamras
Karla Nelson Wolf
Sven Goebel
Rolf Hjelm
Hüseyin Ağuş
Sascha Pölzl
Michael Stüttler
Peter de Moor
Kris Kamras
Business Grade
Business For Home recommends the company. There is high certainty that the net benefit is substantial for a distributor.
About the company
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In 2018, I was one of the pioneers in launching the Hungarian market. Although I already had network marketing experience and had even reached diamond status with my previous company, I still had my worries. I knew almost nothing about Zinzino, but I trusted my mentor. Today, it’s clear to me that I’ve found my true place. I can confidently say that Zinzino is the last network company I’ll ever work with. Zinzino has a truly unique culture. When I first heard this from the CEO, I just smiled. I thought, "I’ve seen so many cultures already…" I grew up in Hungary under communism, then came the political change, and so many different cultures emerged. But it’s true—thank you, Zinzino!
This product is very best in world I'm interested in work team god gift from me this product I'm sale I'm happy this product I'm sale globally it is one of best part of every one life this product created in health human body healthy perpose good health tomorrow good future I'm join this team thank so much contacting me sir I'm a great person working today I'm happy see you all world people what ask that one create this product world wants more healthy life good future this product is best you can really work as a team because the success of others is our success costumer have a special motivation they can never a get product for free if they recommend it that assume I love instant cash bonuses I gives lot of helps at the start and it's stability great even though n small levels the initial package investment zinzino as considered small part of the whole is stable company with result their product regarding the well being of the human body Is worth paying attention to the company presents itself solidly and as
Een vriend vertelde me ooit dat ik twee keuzes had:
1. Mijn situatie accepteren en me erbij neerleggen.
2. De test doen, de oplossing gebruiken om te zien wat het voor mijn gezondheid zou doen.
Ik was niet op zoek naar NWM, maar vond daar een oplossing die mijn gezondheid drastisch verbeterde. De eerste labtest onthulde mijn tekorten en de tweede labtest na vier maanden toonde objectieve resultaten. Meten is weten, en bloed liegt niet.
Na drie zware ongevallen was ik ernstig beperkt in mijn motoriek. Optimalisatie van mijn gezondheid op celniveau gaf mijn revalidatie een nieuwe impuls.
Ik werd partner en daarna ontmoette ik de oprichters en anderen uit het bedrijf. Ik voelde dat het hier echt om mensen ging. Klanten, partners en personeel zijn belangrijk, wat merkbaar is in de omgang en de visie van het bedrijf. Deze visie zorgt voor stabiele groei en een gezonde expansiedrift zonder schulden.
Daarom ben ik zo enthousiast over Zinzino. Het heeft niet alleen mijn gezondheid, maar ook mijn financiële situatie veranderd. Zinzino gaat voor mij vooral over persoonlijke groei, eigen baas zijn over je tijd, en financiële zekerheid, met als bonus een betere gezondheid.
Dus… welke keuze maak jij?
Costumer friendly and innovative company. Extremely good leadership and best compensation plan. The company has a long term goal to bring people around the world back to balance, healthy lifestyle and better economy. That’s makes me excited everyday. We have just started and we know we have a lot to do. But step by step we are going to reach that goal and improve and impact in many people’s life!
Costumer friendly and innovative company. Extremely good leadership and best compensation plan. The company has a long term goal to bring people around the world back to balance, healthy lifestyle and better economy. That’s makes me excited everyday. We have just started and we know we have a lot to do. But step by step we are going to reach that goal and improve and impact in many people’s life!
It gives a lot of help at the start and it's stability is great even on small levels. The initial package investment pays off quickly. I love this.There are many additional bonuses and great campaigns to help our work.
Hybrid binary has a lot of potential to make a wonderful income. It is customer-friendly and you can also build a separate customer career. This means additional active and passive income.
You can really work as a team here, because the success of others is our success. Customers also have a special motivation. They can even get a product for free if they also recommend it. That's awesome too. I love instant cash bonuses. It will be visible after a few minutes. The best system I've ever worked in!
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