Shaklee Review
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Shaklee Review 2011: Most people have heard of Shaklee because they are one of the pioneers in the direct selling industry for over 56 years. What most people don’t know is that about 6 years ago, a business man by the name of Roger Barnett bought this company and began implementing new marketing strategies. Just released this past October 2010, the new dream plan where you can earn up to $100k in 15 months, drive a new company car and go on 4 luxury all-expense paid vacations every year. What people also don’t know is that Shaklee is opening up in over 50 countries in the next 10 years. For over 50 years, generations of families have counted on Shaklee to do what no other company can do quite like Shaklee… make products that are naturally safe AND proven effective. Every product that goes into every Shaklee bottle is designed to improve health, work without compromise, and be gentle on the planet. Shaklee is a solid company with 56 years of history, but like a start-up company with unlimited growth and income potential with the new comp plan and expansion into new countries.