India Protect Legit MLM Companies

Saveev Nair
Putting an end to the uncertainties in the MLM industry in the state of Kerala in India, the state Government has come out with a Government Order to protect the companies which are operating legitimate MLM business in the state.  For this a Nodal Officer from the Industries department has been appointed to scrutinize the operations and compensation plans of all the companies and give necessary sanctions.
The uncertainty started in 2011 August when the State Police took severe actions against MLM companies stating that all the companies are nothing but Money Chains.  Companies including Amway, Modicare, had to close their offices. Subsequently in Sept 2011 the State Government came out with a Guidelines for companies to conduct legal business.  
All good companies changed their plans and operations to comply with these guidelines.  The US company MonaVie launched in India and in the state of Kerala in Nov 2011, after complying with all the guidelines.  
On 2012 Oct 4th the entire industry got the biggest shock when Sajeev Nair, the world's fastest Black Diamond (earlier he had achieved the rank of Founders Double Diamond with Amway, but resigned and joined with MonaVie) was arrested in a dramatic way.  Millions of people who were involved in MLM got scared by the brutal police action against Sajeev as he has been the Industry Icon in India. However the distributors in various companies formed trade unions and started fighting for legalising the MLM industry.
As per this Government Order which is issued today (May 18), the companies which are following the Guidelines issued in Sept 2011 can freely operate.  Now the question remains….if this was case, why all these drama was staged?  Who will compensate for the agony and pain Sajeev Nair and his family went through when we was 52 days in jail?
However, one thing is sure; when the industry thrives in the future, no one would be able to forget the sacrifices Sajeev Nair had done for this industry.

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