ACN, Inc. Takes Home MarCom Awards

ACN, Inc.’s corporate color may be blue, but the company is currently seeing platinum and gold after receiving nine MarCom Awards, which recognize outstanding creative achievement by marketing and communication professionals.
ACN was among over 6,500 entrants from throughout the United States, Canada and several other countries in the 2013 competition, with corporate marketing and communication departments, advertising agencies, PR firms, design shops, production companies and freelancers represented.
ACN’s nine MarCom Awards include six Gold Awards and three Platinum Awards, representing MarCom’s highest honor. The winning categories included:
1. ACN’s 20th Anniversary Event in Charlotte, NC
2. 20th Anniversary Global T-Shirt
3. Your Business Assistant Video
1. Business Services Brochure
2. Corporate Profile
4. ACN’s Official Facebook Page
5. Company Blog
6. “From The President” Blog by Greg Provenzano
“When we set out to do something, we always plan to do it well,” said ACN President and Co-Founder Greg Provenzano. “But it’s not about receiving awards; it’s about representing our company well and providing the best possible tools for our Independent Business Owners. However, being recognized on such a prestigious level nine times over is certainly rewarding – and further proof of a job well done.”
MarCom Awards is administered and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals. The international organization consists of several thousand creative professionals. The competition has grown to perhaps the largest and most respected of its kind in the world, with winners ranging in size from individual communicators to media conglomerates and Fortune 500 companies.
About ACN Inc.
Founded in 1993, ACN is the world's largest direct seller of telecommunications, energy, and other essential services for residential and business customers. ACN provides the services people need and use every day including Digital Phone Service, Local & Long, Distance, Wireless, Energy, Television, Home Security & Automation, High Speed Internet and Technical Support. ACN operates in 23 countries with offices located throughout North America, Europe, Asia and the Pacific. For information, visit
About AMCP
AMCP fosters and supports the efforts of creative professionals who contribute their unique talents to public service and charitable organizations. Over the past several years, AMCP has donated almost $100,000 in grants to support the efforts of its members. That money was used for marketing materials for homeless shelters, orphanages, day camps, community theaters, art centers, programs for the elderly and for child care and
Get more information, facts and figures about ACN, click here for the ACN overview.