Angela Hoff, Network Marketing Powerhouse, Joins Mommy’s Club as a Founding Member

Angela Hoff, seasoned professional in the networking industry and lauded national trainer and recruiter, has joined Mommy's Club, a Healthy Home Company, which is a membership-based and interactive distribution club focused on making the home a healthier place to raise a family by providing personal care products for children and adults that are made with all-natural, organic and ToxicFree ingredients.
Angela began her career in network marketing right out of college, recognizing it as an opportunity to set her own hours, create her own success and be her own boss; while giving her the flexibility to start a family.
Over the course of her twenty-year career, she has worked for several successful direct marketing companies including Excel Communications, the youngest company to ever join the New York Stock Exchange. While at Excel Communications, she earned the rank of Executive Director and National Training Director. Angela was also a Ruby Executive at Monavie and recently this last year worked with Solavei becoming a Thousandaire in just a few short weeks.
Hoff’s journey to becoming a founding member of Mommy’s Club began five years ago, before the company was ever established, when her nineteen-year-old family member was diagnosed with cancer.
“The generation I’m from didn’t see cancer in children, and it was shocking to see someone in my own family, a teenager, have to struggle with finding out he had a tumor the size of a football,” said Hoff. “I got angry; it really fired me up. We started researching what was in our food, learning about GMOs, and about all the things we consume in this country that are banned in others, because if it could happen to my loved one it could happen to my children or my friend’s children.”
“Mommy’s Club is what I have been waiting for, something I’m truly passionate about. I can help people lead healthier lives, while helping others find the road to financial freedom,” said Hoff. “I love seeing other people succeed. That’s where I find my joy, and when I have a product to believe in, that’s it. Mommy’s Club’s products are stellar!”
“Angela Hoff is not only renowned for her acumen in network marketing training, but also has real passion for our mission of making the home a healthier place. It’s personal for her, and it is for me too. We are becoming fast friends, and we are honored to have her and all the big leaders on her team onboard,” said Bill Glynn, CEO of Mommy’s Club. “She’s inspirational, has a real love of this industry, and we’re looking forward to working together with her and dozens of other network marketing leaders including Mick and Vick Karshner, as well as Mike and Sahi Hernandez, who are trusting us to help them build their business.”
About Mommy’s Club
Mommy’s Club, a Healthy Home Company, is a membership-based buying club that offers personal care products for children and adults, household and body care products made with all-natural, organic, and ToxicFree ingredients at retail competitive prices. Mommy’s Club is also a business opportunity for those who use and enjoy our products and want to share them with friends and family. We serve as a trusted resource for information on ToxicFree living and serve a community of like-minded individuals who want to make the home a healthier place to raise a family.