SereniGy Inc. Welcomes 2008 Beijing Olympic Bronze Medalist

SereniGy, Inc. is very pleased to announce and welcome, Independent Business Owner, Ms. Tasha Danvers to it’s family of global distributors.
The union of respective relationships, coupled with common goals and intentions, provides for the development of many great possibilities for Ms. Danvers and SereniGy, Inc.
The Attitude of an Olympian:
Hard work, persistence, and dedication set the stage for Tasha to achieve her dream of becoming an Olympic Champion. But with an injury riddled 2008 season Tasha almost missed the chance of even being on the team. After long consideration the Olympic Team selectors decided to bank on Tasha’s go-getter personality, her experience and the rest as they say… is history.
On August 20th, Tasha became the 400m Hurdles Olympic Bronze Medalist. She is the second British woman ever not only to receive a medal in her event, but to reach the Olympic final.
Her dynamic personality and her success have brought her much adoration and respect from people across the globe.
A Life Filled With Purpose
Tasha now uses her success story to inspire others to reach for success in their given field, to mentor teens as well as delivering motivational speeches on a regular basis to all age groups. She has even written a book called, “Keep Ya Peckah Up (which can also be found under the title ‘Get Off Your Bum’) – The Pocket Guide to Unleashing
Yo u r Gr e a t n e s s ” in wh ich s h e p a s s e s o n s o me o f t h e t o o ls t h a t s h e h a s f o u n d t o b e k e y
for success in life.
Efforts with Passion and Results
Tasha has a particular love and passion for youngsters and hopes that through her success and input she will ignite their human potential and maximize their personal effectiveness. Tasha enjoys songwriting, singing, and is an abstract artist with many of her paintings featured in exhibitions and available for sale on her website. Tasha Danvers is a true star and true inspiration both on and off the track. Her determination, compassion, and desire to see others succeed make her one of life’s true winners.
Shared Vision with SereniGy Inc.; Core Values
Tasha is a very “Cause” oriented person which made SereniGy, Inc. a very obvious choice for her when considering a platform in which to reach out to people and share both vision and encouragement to develop every person’s inner “Heart of a Champion”.
SereniGy Inc. has provided an opportunity for Tasha to carve out some very specific focuses within SereniGy’s overall vision for the company. One focus will be to develop connections with other former Pro Athletes focusing on the benefits of network marketing to create a positive impact in their lives and the lives of those around them. Tasha also plans to focus on bringing greater recognition and attention to SereniGy, Inc.’s 501 C3 global orphanage foundation, SereniGy Kids.
Plans to develop Fitness and Nutrition Programs utilizing Serenigy’s product line are also on the horizon. Tasha intends to utilize her experience, strengths and wisdom within SereniGy to elevate everyone’s comfort level to utilize the documented Serenigy Success System to further impact and promote the industry of Network Marketing.