Chad And Nattida Chong Become Organo Gold’s Newest Diamonds

It’s a family affair: Chad and Nattida Chong become Organo Gold’s Newest Diamonds.
As the saying goes, “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” This is definitely true for Chad & Nattida. When Nattida’s parents, Top Earners and Industry Leaders ,Nat & Chanida Puranaputra, became Thailand’s 1st Diamonds, both Chad & Nattida voluntarily decided that they too wanted to share this Diamond platform.
As of April 2014, they now do. With Nattida’s parents as Diamonds, and Chad’s parents as Emeralds, it was inevitable for Chad & Nattida to follow in their footsteps. Now they are the very 1st English speaking Diamonds out of the entire Los Angeles area.
Chad came from an IT background while Nattida graduated with Business Honors. Being introduced to the industry by their parents, both Chad & Nattida soon took notice that there simply was no better way.
With a dream backed by faith, both realized that they needed to live their life by choice and not by chance. They chose a prosperous future and this industry was their vehicle. With perseverance and determination, they skipped ranks, went straight to top positions, were the youngest, and also a part of the Top 10 Income Earners, earning a high six-figure income in a previous company.
However, nothing stood out like Organo Gold, where they saw an extremely consumable product backed by a solid company full of strong leadership and a proven simple system.
They are the best examples of passion, determination, hard work, and perseverance. Their story is a success story as to why many parents do network marketing in the first place. Because Nat & Chanida Puranaputra led the way, Nattida never worked a 9 to 5 job because having a job was never in her vocabulary. There was always a better way, and it was by being your own boss in the field of network marketing where the possibilities are endless.
Through this industry, Chad & Nattida have fulfilled one of their lifelong dreams of opening an orphanage. CN Hope Foundation launched in Zimbabwe, Africa and both have plans to expand their foundation even further.
As internationally recognized leaders, they have now dedicated themselves to empower others to obtain the same time and financial freedom.
Contact Chad & Nattida Chong at [email protected] or read more about them at
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