Melaleuca Suing Reporter

Idaho businessman Frank VanderSloot is seeking to include a former Post Register reporter in his defamation lawsuit against Mother Jones.
The newspaper reports in a story on Tuesday that attorneys for VanderSloot have requested that Peter Zuckerman be added to the list of defendants. VanderSloot, the CEO of direct marketing company Melaleuca, filed the lawsuit against Mother Jones in Idaho Falls’ 7th District court in January 2013. He contends a February 2012 article about him and two tweets promoting it prompted national criticism.
VanderSloot’s attorneys have also filed a separate defamation lawsuit against Zuckerman in the event the court doesn’t allow the addition to the current defamation suit.
VanderSloot’s attorneys say the filings against Zuckerman stem from Zuckerman’s appearance on MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show” in May 2012.
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