14 Year Old Founder Of 250 Million Dollar Company Shares What She Learned

Bella Weems founded Origami Owl when she was just 14 years old. Cosmopoliton magazine had an exclusive interview with her where she shares the 6 things she learned on the way to becoming a millionaire:
You wouldn't normally take career advice from someone who can't legally buy a drink yet, but maybe this time, you should. Bella Weems founded her own custom-jewelry company, Origami Owl, when she was just 14 and has since grown it into a multimillion-dollar business. Here, the young exec shares her secrets for success.
1. Ignore the Haters—Even the Ones You Love
Especially when you have an idea that seems risky or different from what everyone is doing, you're going to hit some red lights. (Reminder: Those are generally the best ideas!) When people tell you not to go for it or give up when things get tough, remind yourself they're doing so because they think they are protecting you from failure, says Bella. They mean well, but you have to have faith in yourself for others to also. Use their doubt as momentum. After all, without the risk of failure, there would be no such thing as success.
2. Establish Your Core Values
Whether they're unwritten but etched in the back of your mind or clearly stated on your company's website, like Bella's, knowing your core values keeps you grounded, she says. Since the beginning, we wanted the heart of the company to actually have a heart. We wanted a good environment, something you feel good about doing. They remind our team to stay positive and honest, which spreads to our customers, which comes right back to our team. At the end of the day, if you feel good about what you're doing, you'll rest a little easier and be that much closer to success the next day.
3. Stay True to Yourself
Yes, it sounds cliché, but take it from Bella, who managed to fight her way to the top while getting through what are typically the most insecure years of a girl's life: Be who you want to be. It's key to being proud of whatever you end up doing, and without pride, it's hard to truly feel successful.
4. Lean on Your Besties
When in doubt, go back to your girls. Says Bella: The people who don't judge you and don't compare you, those are the true friends who will support you no matter what. They know and love you — they can bring you up when you find that you alone are bringing yourself down.
5. Remember Everything Is Temporary…
A lot of girls and people in high school don't treat you so well. They may not think you are pretty enough or cool enough, says Bella. But once you leave, like, who cares?! If you think of every chapter of your life as high school — there will be ups and downs, but whatever happens, it will end and you'll move on to greater things — it's much easier to stay motivated.
6. …Even Success
It's important to stay humble, because it keeps you grounded and focused on making decisions that match your values. I stay humble by remembering all that I have, says Bella. It's amazing, she says: The simple things in life are the greatest — your house, car, food, family. Remembering that will help you keep perspective. …And motivate you to do more — settling doesn't breed success, but sincerity does.
Get more information, facts and figures about Origami Owl, click here for the Origami Owl overview.