Denise And Joe Sherwood – Ambit Energy Leaders

Denise And Joe Sherwood, Ambit Energy


Denise and Joe Sherwoord are fast rising leaders within Ambit Energy. This is what they had to say about building a network marketing oppportunity:

I wish we had one of those inspiring stories where we were approached multiple times to take a look at Ambit Energy but kept saying no no no, but we don’t. You see Joe and I have always been opened minded about looking at opportunities so in 2012 when Dick McSally knocked at our kitchen door with a DVD in hand, I willingly watched it. 

Being a cautiously skeptical Italian woman, I then drove 6 hours from Manchester NH to Utica NY to attend a 4 hour meeting to learn more about the business from those folks who would be bringing it into New England, drove 6 hours home again and I was totally onboard.

Challenge was that our sponsor moved from New Hampshire to New York almost immediately and we had no local leadership. We had worked in a couple of other product based network marketing businesses and we knew that if we wanted to make it in this business we had to BE that leadership.

We latched onto the coat tails of a couple of the New York Executive Consultants and gleaned as much as we could from them, watching their every move and how they launched Ambit Energy in our area.  We walked their walk and we talked their talk.

We launched our business on April 16, 2012, earned our first check on day 7 and our first promotion to Regional Consultant on day 20.  In the next 16 months we promoted to Senior Consultant and are diligently working toward Executive Consultant.

We were instrumental in launching the New Hampshire and Maine markets and are continuing to develop great partnerships with other leaders, both inline and cross line, to build a respected and sought after brand for Ambit Energy across the country.

Has it always been easy?  Hell no. We’ve had many trials and tribulations during our 34 years together including life threatening illness, severe financial problems through a couple of recessions and the ever popular family issues.  Through it all we’ve maintained an attitude of servant leadership.

We love to help others and have done so through 25 years in the martial arts, our church and community volunteerism, and we are able to continue helping others through our Ambit business.  We see what we want and we go after it, we don’t let other people’s vision of things cloud our vision.

Our Ambit business is thriving and we have not missed a monthly residual check since that first one three years ago.  Have we made it?  No, we haven’t, not like some of the others you’ll read about.  Not yet.  You see, I love the word “yet”, there’s so much promise in it.  We were able to help with our daughter’s wedding last summer and just came back from a beautiful trip to Ireland and London, something we would not have been able to experience without our part time Ambit income.  Life is not always unicorns and lollipops, but it certainly is a lot more pleasurable with the options that Ambit Energy has afforded us. 

We’re honored to be among the great Ambit leaders being featured in this publication and strive to live up to what this means for us.  We are grateful to Dick McSally for the introduction, to Greg Henzel, Rich Schloss and Ralph Irizarry for teaching us and to Steve Thompson for his leadership, mentorship and guidance.  We are especially thankful to God for all of the blessings and the gift of tenacity to get through the challenges with our heads held high and the respect and love of our family and friends.

About Ambit Energy

Ambit Energy provides electricity and natural gas services in deregulated markets across the United States, primarily marketed through a direct sales channel of more than 250,000 Independent Consultants.

Based in Dallas, Texas, our company is focused on being the finest and most-respected retail energy provider in America, offering cost-effective choices for today’s energy consumer.

In 2010, Ambit was named #1 Fastest-Growing Private Company in America by Inc. magazine, and we continue to pick up steam as the fastest-growing company in the retail energy sector today.

Get more information, facts and figures about Ambit Energy, click here for the Ambit Energy overview.

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