Mary Kay To Build $100 Million Manufacturing Site in Texas

Direct sales giant Mary Kay has earmarked a new site North Texas, as the location for its new $100 million manufacturing site.
Following the announcement in October that they were to build a new R&D manufacturing facility, the company scouted numerous locations before deciding on the site in Lewisville. Reasons behind the site choice included employee and logistical issues, such as public transport, employee drive time, and proximity to the company’s existing facilities.
The announcement is the result of intense internal evaluation to determine whether to improve current manufacturing operations and research and development of Mary Kay Inc. in Dallas or build a new facility to house both operations.
The criteria for selecting the new site included logistical considerations and employees, as well as proximity to other local facilities including the company's world headquarters in Addison, a distribution center in Carrollton and a cellar in the city of Dallas. The current manufacturing facility and research and development of the iconic beauty company opened in Regal Row in Dallas in 1969. Today, the facility produces daily 420,000 square feet to 1.1 million units of product made ??in the United States. 57 percent of these products are exported to international markets of Mary Kay Inc.
As we approach the level of the top five global beauty brands and after several years of growth, the new plant will meet the future needs of our company pointed Holl-. Today, about 75 percent of our business carried out abroad, and more than 50 percent of products Mary Kay ® produced in the current manufacturing plant are exported to our international markets. Therefore, it is essential that we continue to have facilities with the latest technological innovations and manufacturing research and development to produce the best products in the industry for our independent sales force and for lovers of the brand Mary Kay around the world.
All 600 manufacturing and R&D employees in the existing R&D facilities will move to the new site, which is said to begin construction in July next year and be completed in early 2018. It is said the new facility will allow the company to develop more products, which in turn will help them to hire more staff.
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