Wesley Anderson Becomes Wor(l)d Global Network’s Newest President

Wesley Anderson stated:
I'm so very grateful for this profession and in particular for World Global Network.
I have been in Network Marketing for almost 12 years now. There have been some amazing ups, but often not talked about are the real downs that so many of us dedicated professionals go through.
After the economy tanked in 08 my first business progressively bottomed out to zero. I was young and dumb and thought that if I ignored what was happening, something would miraculously change. Reality kicked in when my car was repo'd right out of my driveway, and a foreclosure notice was stapled on the front door. I will never forget the feelings of utter despair and embarrassment. How could this happen to me?
After a few years of feeling sorry for myself I figured it was time to try to figure out life again.
There is not another profession on the planet that can provide a redemption story like Network Marketing can. The playing field is just as even for the ex-con as for the Harvard grad. I dusted off my boots and slowly began to reestablish my work ethic. I worked a few companies and started to see some success once again, each time more than the next, but ultimately did not find the passion I had with my first company. I was creating just enough success for myself that I didn’t have to resort to a job with a boss. Even though I am tougher on myself than any boss would be, that alone is something I am forever grateful for.
While enjoying my last company and the benefits that it added to my life, I came across World Global for the first time.
Nattida and Chad Chong have been dear friends of mine for quite a while. I had never worked with them directly, our pitches to each other had never landed up to this point. (Lesson: maintain positive contact with everyone and never burn a bridge). On Facebook one evening they posted a two minute video that has totally altered my world in the most amazing way.
I just had to have that Helo product….and that's where it started. It was the first time in my career that I honestly wanted the product before the opportunity. I bought one and quietly mentioned it to a few pals who up till now would never join me in any of my previous Network Marketing adventures. Almost all of them said…Dude….this is different. They actually wanted in on this technology. That kind of response to me was a clue…and that's what sealed the deal. It was time to lace up the boots and get to work.
It has not been an overnight record breaking run to President. It has taken many months with an amazing team doing webinar after webinar…call after call. It has been worth every second. Seeing brand new people enroll their first person ever, seeing beat-down MLM'ers starting to have true hope again, is so much fun.
The product is just that good. I am grateful to have the best team on the planet. I always say to people on our webinars…..I am no better than any of you. And that's the truth. I understand timing and am not afraid of hard work. I'm not the polished amazing stage speaker type…..I'm the guy that if you are tired of where you are and want change in your life, I will get in the trenches with you and and help make that happen.
I was asked the other day, now that you've hit President, what's next? My answer is: it's time to work that much harder, be that more dedicated, be that more motivated, and help many many more do the same.
If you are someone that wants to change your life…..I'm your guy…..and I truly believe World Global is the company to make that happen.
Chad and Nattida…..I'm so very grateful for you both. This is our time!
We couldn't be more excited to finally be working hand in hand with our good friend Wes! Not only is he real and passionate, but he is a true leader that leads with such heart for his people. Dedicated and hardworking are just 2 words that comes to mind when we think of Wes, exclaim Chad & Nattida, #10 Income Earners in all of Network Marketing.
About WOR(l)D GN
With an Headquarter in MIAMI, USA, WOR(l)D stands apart as a leader in the global markets of media, mobile and wearable technologies. In the 15 offices distrbuited in all the continents, WOR(l)D is employing the brightest minds and best professionals, constantly investing in great ideas and highly motivated people. Every WOR(l)D product reflects its passion for research, innovation and environmental responsibility.
WOR(l)D is a recognized as a leading player in the drive towards a more economically stable, socially connected world. Leveraging a new business paradigm, WOR(l)D seeks to transcend every social and economic boundary. Using innovative products and a proven, direct selling business model wor(l)d is helping people around the globe to transform their lives—and their livelihoods.
For more information please visit www.worldgn.com