iMarketsLive Grows To 32,000 Customers And $6+ Million Per Month
Top Leader Alex Morton, Executive Vice President Sales iMarketsLive made the next statement on his Facebook and we have upgraded in our classification iMarketsLive to AA+.
Alex Morton:
“12 months ago I saw a concept that completely altered my thinking on what was possibile in this profession.
I sat down with a gentleman (CEO and Founder Chris Terry) who told me that he had been through hell and back and his company at the time was barely surviving.
He told me that he knew it had the best products and services on the planet and that he had unwavering belief that he would take his company to the top one day no matter what.
I fell in love with his vision and decided to have an unbelievable amount of faith & join forces with him.
I broke my lease on my condo, gave my car back to the dealership, packed a suitcase, & decided to go all in one more time and give it literally everything I had.
8/6/2016: $178,060 in monthly volume.
One active 6 figure earner.
1,200 customers.
8/6/2017: $5,8 million in monthly volume.
40 active 6 figure earners.
30,000 customers.
I am NOT taking credit for what has happened inside of this company. I am completely giving all of the credit to GOD’s GRACE & the hearts of the leadership of this company.
This is only the beginning”.
17/8/2017: $6,3 million in monthly volume.
32,000 customers.
About iMarketsLive
iMarketsLive provides a full array of retail trading products and services to a global audience for those who want to participate in the Forex & Futures Markets. iMarketsLive’s services include a Live Educational Services, Hands Free Mirror Trading as well as a Robotic Trade Scanner and other amazing services.
iMarketsLive has a bundled their products/services with a Network Marketing compensation plan that allows its IBO’s to earn a generous income by simply sharing their services with others and building a residual income though building a network of IBO’s and customers.
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