Patricia Estrada Achieves Diamond Rank At Vida Divina
In less than two years working with multilevel company Vida Divina, Mexican entrepreneur Patricia Estrada has achieved Diamond Rank and monthly earnings of est. $50,000.
Based in San Bernardino, California, Patricia Estrada has built a network of 2,138 people in several countries, such as the United States, El Salvador, Mexico, Guatemala and South Africa ‘”and shes still expanding.
Her story is one of constant struggles and wonderful accomplishments. Pregnant with seven months, Patricia and her husband crossed the border between Mexico and the US on a 32-hour walk that could have been fatal. But her determination was strong enough to endure that and all the things that came later.
She started working at a multilevel company as a part-time in 2006, after she met Esther Ramos, co-founder of Vida Divina. Her daytime job was at a walk-in freezer where she stayed 12 hours every day. After that, she went home to do her regular chores at home, and then sat in from of a computer to reach out to people and build her own business.
I always loved sales and had a dream of becoming somebody and doing something great,’
Patricia says.
But I was insecure and knew I still had to accrue the knowledge you need to thrive as a networker.’
But obstacles kept blocking her path. Her diabetic husband became virtually blind, and Patricia became her familys first source of income.
A matchmaker for success
Patricia Estrada remembers clearly the day she met Armand Puyolt, then a prosperous networker at a previous company. He was so humble and attentive,’ she recalls. He was already a successfull businessman, but his humility just amazed me.’
Of course, Armand Puyolt and Esther Ramos became husband and wife and founded Vida Divina years later, and it was Patricia who introduced them to each other. This created a very close friendship between the couple and Patricia.
Eventually, this bond proved to be crucial in her life. In 2010, she was stopped by the police and later deported to Mexico, leaving her husband and four children behind in San Bernardino. But before she parted, Armand promised her he would bring her back. And so he did,’ she says.
Since then, I believe in Armands word and vision. Hes not only an excellent professional, but more importantly a wonderful human being.’
Patricia Estrada joined Vida Divina at its very beginning in 2016, and right now shes one of the most successful company partners. The most difficult thing for me was believing,’ she says. I thought network marketing was good only for the highest leaders, but I was wrong’”if you focus on your mission, you can accomplish anything you want.’
These days, Patricia is constantly travelling for business to talk to people and help them master their business and succeed just like she did. I always tell them, ‘˜You can always dream, but taking action is even more important than that.’
And she concludes,
If you think you are surrounded by toxic people, you must understand its possible and necessary to keep them away from your life. Try to reach out to people who have accomplished the things you want for yourself and let them guide you.’
After all shes gone through, Patricia Estrada knows thats the right path to reach prosperity.
About Vida Divina
In less than three years, Vida Divina has experienced one of the fastest growth rates in the industry. The company has reached more than 32 countries and built up an empire of office buildings all over the world and its own manufacturing facilities.
Vida Divina offers a full line of health products, cosmetics, energy drinks, weight loss enhancers, chemical-free baby foods, among other products designed to enhance the human bodys abilities to cope with the stress of modern world and lack of nutrients.
Its founder, Armand Puyolt, has been in the Top Earners ranks for over 25 years as a distributor, and has been selected by Business for Home as ambassador of the network marketing industry.
As a debt-free company, Vida Divina was created like an Ark, to carry as many people to success as possible, and giving them an opportunity to change their future forever. For more information please visit
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