Top Leader Aldo Lopez From Panama Joins ByDzyne

Top Leader Aldo Lopez From Panama Joins ByDzyne

Aldo Lopez, also known as the “Wolf of the Network,” and a highly influential Latin American network marketing leader is making a decisive “Big Bet” in joining the surging “new generation” company of ByDzyne. His own words say it the best,

“I have overwhelming belief that ByDzyne is the perfect vehicle to take me and my team to exponentially higher levels of success and achievement. ByDzyne’s revolutionary business model consisting of multiple verticals and an innovative compensation plan designed to allow all Brand Ambassadors to earn money passed all of my personal requirements for making such a big move.”

His bet is for ByDzyne to move him from six figures to eight figures.

In June 2018, Aldo returned to the profession of network marketing following an absence of three years. It was a triumphal return and he achieved major rank advancements every ninety days. Within only fifteen months he reached one of that company’s highest rank levels in addition to leading thousands of people to reach their dreams.

The seeds for his significant work in network marketing were sown in his very first company where he achieved the prestigious rank of Diamond International in the fastest time ever. It can certainly be said that charisma and unstoppable determination are two of Aldo’s leading personal characteristics. With 10 years of experience in the industry, his commitment to personal development is legendary and he pushes himself every single day by competing only against himself to make every day more successful than the previous day.

Aldo Lopez on stage

With the current global pandemic, the world is experiencing unprecedented levels of public health and financial insecurity challenges. In these circumstances, ByDzyne’s formal global launch has come at the perfect moment. Countless numbers of people will now receive the opportunity of a business lifetime including millions of people in Latin American countries who will find the perfect chance to work from home.

Aldo also expressed a deep admiration for the co-founders and executive team of the company,

“It is inevitable to not to fall in love with a company like this, especially with the leadership of its owners, who have left a print in the industry. The vast experience of ByDzyne’s entire executive team was very persuasive in my decision to come on board.

Imagine. We have Sophia Wong, with over 20 years of experience as a multilevel marketing company owner focused on health and beauty, with exceptional expertise in running an international business. Having the distinguished Dave Phelps as the EVP of Sales, who has been an integral big part in 5 Billion dollar mlm companies, further solidifies ByDzyne’s future. And the most shocking is having 2 of the most iconic couples in the industry of network marketing, Nat & Chanida Puranaputra and Chad & Nattida Chong, as Co-Founders.

They have earned over 50 million dollars as distributors and are now transferring their knowledge and experience to us. Knowing that these icons who are networkers-at-heart have created the compensation plan and the vision of the company, I know for a fact I am part of network marketing’s Hall of Fame! And this is why we will win!”

ByDzyne’s integrity also played a big role in Aldo joining the Company. He knows that many leaders sometimes jump from company to company, compromising their leadership principles in lieu of personal perks and benefits. He won’t ever forget the forceful statement of ByDzyne’s Chairwoman, Chanida Puranaputra, as she said,

“Aldo, here at ByDzyne, we don’t buy leaders as that is a very negative industry practice. Rather, I create millionaires. Do you want to be one of my first ten Brand Ambassadors to achieve that level of success? I am ready to accept that invitation!”

ByDzyne understands that each person is unique and that every market is different. The Company’s multiple verticals give access to a broad spectrum of many of the world’s most successful commercial categories. This allows Brand Ambassadors and customers to exercise their all-important Power of Choice to choose products and services according to their personal needs and passions.

Aldo made a final statement expressing his personal conviction and full-throttle confidence in the vision of the Company, “ByDzyne is transforming the status quo of network marketing with innovation and unlimited creativity. 2020 and 2021 will be banner years for the Company and I don’t doubt at all that the current trajectory will allow ByDzyne to become the fastest billion dollar company, and my team, the “Wolfpack,” will lead the list.”


Aldo López Conocido como “EL LOBO DEL NETWORK” y uno de los líderes del network Marketing de mayor crecimiento en los últimos años en Latinoamérica apuesta por BYDZYNE para pasar de las 6 cifras a las 8 cifras.

“Definitivamente ByDzyne revoluciona la Industria del Multinivel con su oferta de múltiples verticales de negocios y un plan de compensación diseñado para que todos sus embajadores de marca ganen dinero” Aldo Lopez.

Luego de una ausencia de tres años en la Industria, Aldo lópez regresó en Junio del 2018, escalando cada 90 días de rango y en tan solo 15 meses logró uno de los rangos más altos de la compañía en la que estaba y liderando a miles de personas a alcanzar su sueños.

Antes de esta ausencia, en su primera compañía Aldo Lopez fue el Diamante Internacional que más rápido alcanzó esa posición. Su carisma y determinación son sus mejores aliados. Aldo Lopez acumula 10 años de experiencia en la Industria, llena de éxitos y logros, caracterizado por su alto grado de competitividad contra el mismo.

Bydzyne llega a la Industria en el momento indicado, en un mundo cambiante afectado por una pandemia de salud global, próximos a vivir una crisis financiera sin precedente.  Bydzyne apuesta a  la múltiple oportunidad de verticales de negocios,  ésto hace más fácil el trabajo y ayudará a millones de personas que quedaran sin empleo en los próximos meses.  Solo en Latinoamérica ayudará millones a  llevar un sustento a sus hogares.

Cómo no enamorarse de una compañía así, pero sobre todo con el liderazgo de sus dueños los cuales han dejado una huella en la Industria. Comienzo por Henry Marsh quien fundó y  desarrolló en su momento un movimiento en la Industria innovador y sexy como lo fue MONAVIE.

Sophia Wong no solo podemos decir que es una empresaria exitosa en la Industria,  también dueña en el pasado de su propia compañía de multinivel enfocada en la belleza, experta en negocios internacionales. La garantía de tener en el equipo directivo a Dave Phelps quien a estado en 5 compañías  como ejecutivo, las cuales han llegado al Billón de dólares; solidifica el futuro.

Ahora,  lo más impactante es tener como co-propietarios a dos de las parejas ícono de la Industria del Mercadeo en Red, parte del salón de la fama, saber que ellos siendo networkers son los creadores de un plan de compensación y de la visión de esta compañía. Solo puedo decir que “Todos vamos a ganar” hablo de Nat y Channida Puramapurtra y sus hijos Chad y Nattida, que no solo suman más de 50 millones de dólares ganados como distribuidores en conjunto, sino que además su experiencia en crear millonarios no tiene precedente.

En un mundo donde muchos líderes saltan de compañía en compañía muchas veces por un liderazgo comprometido a prebendas personales nunca olvidaré las palabras de Chanida en nuestra primera llamada:

“Aldo nosotros en Bydzyne NO compramos líderes, eso daña la Industria YO lo que hago es hacer millonarios, tu quieres ser uno de mis 10 primeros que lo logren…”

Eso marcó el inicio de decisión de emprender con esta compañía, saber que tendría el apoyo del liderazgo corporativo conmigo al lado para seguir construyendo una historia. Tener a los dueños como networkers al lado tuyo, el éxito será garantizado, Chad y Nattida son los mediocampistas están en la cancha dando el balón, Chanida la capitana del equipo también en la cancha, NAT el director técnico, así el campeonato ya es nuestro..

ByDzyne, entiende que cada persona es única, que cada mercado es distinto y está enfocada en brindar acceso a múltiples Industrias de billones de dólares para ser aprovechadas por los socios y el éxito está en la variedad de opciones que nos brinda.

Bydzyne rompió el molde del Mercadeo en Red y puso primero el poder de elección de las personas y eso marcará la diferencia.

Estoy seguro que seremos la compañía de mayor crecimiento en el 2020 y 2021 y  la compañía que más rápido llegará al Billón de dólares, eso no lo dudo”

“Con seguridad seremos  la compañía con más socios de 8 cifras de la Industria y mi equipo “WOLFPACK” encabezará esa lista”

About ByDzyne

ByDzyne’s multi-faceted approach disrupts the traditional industry model by first understanding that one size DOES NOT fit all. You were born into a particular culture, with unique tastes, interests, and desires. Therefore, ByDzyne™ was created with a purpose to celebrate your uniqueness and empower your extraordinary potential. The company’s exceptional “culture-crafted” products meet distinct needs in key consumer markets, and their lucrative business opportunity was formulated to fuel your ideal lifestyle, as YOU see fit.

This customizable approach is a driving force that propels everything ByDzyne does and will do in the future. They proved this by already establishing 4 distinct verticals: Technology, Training, Travel and Transform. And 8 industries are represented in these diverse categories of products and services: Forex, Online Marketing, Internet of Things (iOT), Lifestyle, CBD, Skincare, Weight Management, and Wellness. At ByDzyne’s core, they believe that this “Power of Choice” offers not just opportunity, but security.

Ultimately, the perfect home-based business would have a catalog full of ever-evolving products and services, that would be relevant to all people, available in all markets, and at a price point that everybody can afford.

ByDzyne’s mission is to be the most influential economic and cultural force in the industry. Thus, the goal is to continue to expand their global footprint into multiple verticals to maximize your income opportunities, capitalize on trends, and gain market share in upcoming industries as they advance. Their experienced executive team strives to stand apart from the pack, and build a legacy you can be proud of; one you can truly call home. We are ByDzyne™. Where limitations don’t exist. For more information please visit


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