Top Leader Agustín Bermejo Joins ByDzyne And Achieves 2 Star President

ByDzyne’s success trajectory continues in dramatic fashion with the outstanding accomplishments of Agustín Bermejo.
Showing premier leadership skills, Agustín has achieved the rank of 2 Star President with speed, dedication and unfailing commitment. A 2 Star President generates over $400,000 of sales revenue in a 2 week period. That is nearly half a million dollars of sales in 2 weeks. He left a successful rank and financially lucrative position in his previous company to build a new team from scratch at ByDzyne. He made this decision for 3 noteworthy reasons: Vision, Concept and Corporate Team.
After fighting the challenges and circumstances presented by the global pandemic crisis for nine months, Chad and Nattida Chong, two of the ByDzyne co-founders, helped Agustín to open his eyes.
“I saw that you can either get on the existing wave of normal MLM companies or you can CREATE that wave. I clearly saw that ByDzyne was creating the perfect wave for me and my team,” expressed Agustín.
With an impeccable work ethic, he already possessed a well-deserved reputation as being a ferocious international traveler to support his team members from country to country, around the world. His fundamental understanding is that every single person deserves the opportunity to be heard, empowered and fully supported.
From his earliest start in network marketing, Agustín realized that network marketing is much, much more than a business of numbers. Above all, he captured the essence of this profession that above all, this is a business of people. He also believes that unparalleled discipline surpasses talent.
This is a great life lesson he learned from his father who served with distinction as a Captain in Spain’s Army. He is grateful, to this day, for the advice of his father because he has seen the remarkable benefits of making sacrifices to help other people.
The reality for Agustín was simple. He could have remained stagnant in his previous company as he had created a team of more than 10,000 people. There was certainly no mandatory requirement for him to make any move, however, he saw clearly that his team members were lacking the opportunity to become legitimate professionals in the way he desired to see the creation of unbelievable success stories.
He sensed that so many people were losing faith and hope in network marketing. He knew he must do the unthinkable, do that which few people would dare to do. He stopped thinking about his personal check and focused his entire energy, passion and commitment upon the people that comprised his team.
Agustín is a leader who is characterized by relentless discipline, tenacity, ability to properly analyze reality, charisma, extraordinary work ethic, and a piercing vision. He sees things before they happen. To know Agustín is to know excellence, perseverance, and efforts without limits to serve and elevate his team members. He said it best,
“At ByDzyne, I discovered a high-quality corporate executive team and an incredible personal sponsor, Christian Nunez, who matches or goes beyond my own capacity to work hard. Most fundamentally, I have realized that what really speaks of a person are your acts, NOT your words.”
Agustín acknowledges the huge contributions of his partner, Sara Cisternes, for always being patient with him and being by his side through all categories of circumstances. This includes, most importantly, showing the world that she is an independent woman and playing a key role in creating her own personal success at ByDzyne.
He also acknowledges the gigantic contributions of Marcos Heredia, Joaquin Sila, Pablo Navarro, Christian Larrea, Pedro Velazquez, Ruben Castro and Marc Huma in having blind faith in his vision. It is with this faith combined with their talent and very hard work that they have achieved spectacular results in such a short period of time. And there are many, many people who have followed Agustín because of their personal vision and faith with no aggressive efforts from Agustín to pursue them. They recognize and want to be a part of authentic leadership.
Agustín’s personal words express his feelings and confidence in the best possible way. “I am very blessed because all the people who have followed my faith and vision in this phenomenal ByDzyne project are wonderful people with huge hearts and honest ambition. Upon achieving financial freedom, I want to show the world the right direction with ByDzyne. The most important thing is not the Company, but the Good deeds and generous hearts of our leaders and team members. If you fall 9 times, your only mission is to get up that 10th time.”
“We couldn’t be more excited to have Agustín as part of the ByDzyne family. Once you meet him, it is clear he is a gentleman with such aggression. He is definitely the James Bond of this industry. Just watch. He will break records without a doubt,”
expresses Nattida Chong, co-founder of ByDzyne.
Agustín Bermejo fue la primera persona en Europa en conseguir de forma más rápida el rango de Presidente 2 Estrellas. Un presidente de 2 estrellas genera más de $ 400,000 de ingresos por ventas en un período de 2 semanas. Eso es casi medio millón de dólares de ventas en 2 semanas.
Agustín dejó un cheque muy alto en su anterior compañía por comenzar a construir desde 0 en Bydzyne. Estando en el penúltimo rango de su anterior oportunidad, eligió Bydzyne por 3 razones: visión, Concepto y Corporativo.
“Estuve durante 9 meses luchando contracorriente en esta situación de pandemia mundial. Cuando conocí a Chad y Nattida, hubo una cosa que me hizo abrir los ojos: tu puedes subirte a la ola de las compañías de MLM o puedes crear esa ola. Vi claramente que Bydzyne estaba creando esa ola.”
La forma de trabajo del Sr. Bermejo ha sido siempre impecable, siendo la persona que más viajó a apoyar a sus equipos de forma internacional. Él entendió que toda persona merece la oportunidad de ser escuchado, empoderado y ayudado. Agustín, muy rápidamente en sus inicios, se dio cuenta de que el Network Marketing es un negocio de personas. También lo es de números, pero sobre todo de personas.
“Siempre supe que la disciplina vence al talento, cuando éste falla. Por eso, me concentré durante todos estos años en coger el consejo de mi padre, capitán del ejército español. Doy gracias a esta enseñanza porque he visto como muchas personas a lo largo de mi carrera han agradecido todo el sacrificio”.
Agustín en tan solo 15 días consiguió el mayor rango de Europa en Bydzyne. Él podía haberse quedado quieto en su anterior empresa, habiendo creado un equipo de más de 10.000 personas. Pero vio que las personas no tenían la oportunidad de crecer como profesionales que él tuvo hace 4 años. Empezó a ver que muchas personas estaban perdiendo la esperanza y la fe en el Network Marketing.
Hizo lo que muy pocos se atreven a hacer: dejar de pensar en el cheque y empezar a mirar por las personas. Este líder se caracteriza por su disciplina, su garra, sus análisis, su carisma, su trabajo duro y su visión: ve las cosas antes de que sucedan. Agustín es una persona que no le pasa indiferente a nadie.
“Me siento orgulloso porque en Bydzyne encontré un corporativo de alto nivel, un sponsor igual o más trabajador que yo, el señor Christian Núñez. Descubrí que lo que verdaderamente habla de ti son tus hechos, no tus palabras.”
“Quiero dar las gracias a mi pareja, Sara Cisternes, por aguantarme y estar siempre a mi lado. Y sobre todo, por convertirse y demostrarle al mundo que es una mujer independiente, consiguiendo una posición de renombre en Bydzyne en solo 15 días y por ella misma.”
“Agradecer a Marcos Heredia, Joaquín Sila, Pablo Navarro, Christian Larrea, pedro Velázquez, Rubén Castro y Marc Humá por tener esa fe ciega en mi visión. Esto junto con tu talento y su gran trabajo, ha permitido que consigan resultados espectaculares en muy poco tiempo.”
“También y por último, me siento super orgulloso de todas las personas que siguieron esa visión sin yo ir a por ellas. Y estoy muy bendecido porque todas las personas que siguieron mi dirección en esta nueva etapa son buenas personas con un corazón y ambición enormes.”
“Mi objetivo más grande, despues de haber conseguido la libertad financiera, es mostrarle al mundo la dirección correcta con Bydzyne. Lo más importante no es la empresa, sino el buen hacer y el corazón de las personas y los líderes.”
Si te caes 9 veces, tu única misión es levantarte 10.
About ByDzyne
ByDzyne’s multi-faceted approach disrupts the traditional industry model by first understanding that one size DOES NOT fit all. You were born into a particular culture, with unique tastes, interests, and desires. Therefore, ByDzyne™ was created with a purpose to celebrate your uniqueness and empower your extraordinary potential. The company’s exceptional “culture-crafted” products meet distinct needs in key consumer markets, and their lucrative business opportunity was formulated to fuel your ideal lifestyle, as YOU see fit.
This customizable approach is a driving force that propels everything ByDzyne does and will do in the future. They proved this by already establishing 4 distinct verticals: Technology, Training, Travel and Transform. And 8 industries are represented in these diverse categories of products and services: Forex, Online Marketing, Internet of Things (iOT), Lifestyle, CBD, Skincare, Weight Management, and Wellness. At ByDzyne’s core, they believe that this “Power of Choice” offers not just opportunity, but security.
Ultimately, the perfect home-based business would have a catalog full of ever-evolving products and services, that would be relevant to all people, available in all markets, and at a price point that everybody can afford.
ByDzyne’s mission is to be the most influential economic and cultural force in the industry. Thus, the goal is to continue to expand their global footprint into multiple verticals to maximize your income opportunities, capitalize on trends, and gain market share in upcoming industries as they advance. Their experienced executive team strives to stand apart from the pack, and build a legacy you can be proud of; one you can truly call home. We are ByDzyne™. Where limitations don’t exist. For more information please visit
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