Business For Home Masterclass Speaker: Avinash Nagamah!

15,000+ Network Marketing Professionals from around the world will come together for 3 days in an immersive generic training experience, the ultimate Masterclass, with 35 Top Speakers:

“How You Can Become A Rising Star”

10-11-12 December 2021

Avinash Nagamah, also known as Avi, comes from very humble beginnings.

Born in a tiny village of less than 1,000 habitants to a modest family in the small tropical island of Mauritius, Avinash moved to London at the age of 18 to pursue further education with barely much to start with.

There were times where putting food on the table was challenging but nothing was to distract him from his goals

Having tried the traditional route he was taught, for many years, Avinash finally embraced the industry of Network Marketing in 2016 after the birth of his second child.

Those closest to him agrees that his champion work rate and ability to put his team’s needs ahead of himself is what led to his incredible success very quickly.

It was not easy at first! Being an introvert with a fear of public speaking and almost giving up on numerous occasions, yet Avi rapidly grew into a systematic team builder, inspiring leader and mentor whilst always being a mentee to top industry leaders.

Avinash has built teams of over 40,000+.

A few years ago, Avinash would not even dare or dream to speak in front of a few people and who would have thought that he would now be speaking in front of thousands of people and coaching the organisation into growth and success.

This was possible through his philosophy of “The day I stop learning and growing, I start to die.”

“How You Can Become A Rising Star”

10-11-12 December 2021

15,000+ Network Marketing Professionals from around the world will come together for 3 days in an immersive generic training experience, the ultimate Masterclass, with 35 Top Speakers:

Real-Time Translation in 19 languages

Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Dutch, English, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian (Bahasa), Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Tamil, Vietnamese.

No Hype, No Upsells, Pure Knowlegde

It is delivered to you in a completely generic format. No companies or products are ever mentioned, so you will feel safe to share this ultimate masterclass with your Team!

What you will learn:

  • How to use social media to build up your business.

  • How to talk to your warm market.

  • How to recruit people into your team.

  • How to follow up prospects

  • How to build a rock solid team.

  • How to coach your team.

  • How to find the perfect mentor or coach.

  • How to add value and position yourself as a great leader.

  • How to deal with the inevitable rejection.

  • How to develop an unbreakable mind set.

  • How to build up part-time.

A ticket is just $42 / Euro 35 for all 3 days + the replay!

Recap June 2021 Masterclass / Conference:

Network marketing Top leaders, Fast Rising Stars, as their mentors and coaches will share their methods and “secrets” to recruit, team up and build a large organisation.

35+ International Top Speakers, Coaches, Mentors and Rising Stars!

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Direct Selling Distributors, they are active professionals, who love to team up with you!

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