Cathy and Mike Lowdermilk Achieve 2 Star Vice President At pawTree

pawTree is an USA Direct Sales company supplying the owners of pets with premium quality food, treats and supplements made with only the finest ingredients.
Cathy and Mike Lowdermilk stated upon their achievement:
Because of pawTree we have overcome limiting beliefs and negative perceptions of our ability to be successful in a business such as pawTree. We work together as husband and wife. We enjoy setting joint goals and working together to achieve those goals.
We have forged deep and lasting friendships with people we would have never otherwise met. Our lives have been enriched by those friendships. We were able to buy a new car and give our old car to a single mom in need.
We have traveled to many different places because of trips earned and the training opportunities offered by pawTree.
Because of paTree we have a residual income that gives us peace of mind that even in the trying time we have recently experienced, we know there will be extra in our account every month due to building our pawTree business.
Cathy was able to retire 5 years early. Our pawTree income now matches Cathy’s pension, which took her 25 years to build. We have provided pet parents solutions to a variety of pesky issues that were plaguing them.
There’s nothing like getting a call from a grateful pet parent and hearing them say, “Thank you so much for introducing us to pawTree. We are so happy we met you two.”
Seeing a member of our downline catch the vision and blow up her business as a result. It’s nice to be important but it’s more important to be nice.
Our favorite quote is:
Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
One of our puppy buyers reached out very concerned because her dog was very itchy. We suggested she try pawTree’s Allergy Support Plus. A couple of weeks later we received an email from her stating that the Allergy Support Plus got his itches away in only 2 days.
About Pawtree
After nearly a decade as a CEO in the pet industry, our founder, Roger Morgan knew that there had to be a better way. A better way to care for our pets with premium quality food, treats and supplements made with only the finest ingredients.
A better way to share solutions catered to the unique needs of our pets to help pet parents make more informed decisions. A better way to help people live a life filled with purpose, all while making a difference in the lives of pets and people.
Knowing that his entire career had prepared him for this exact challenge, he set out on a journey to discover exactly that. For more information please visit
Get more information, facts and figures about PawTree, click here for the PawTree overview.
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