Selene Berumen Joins, Rockets To All Star With Velovita

Before jumping into network marketing, Selene Berumen worked 14 years as a Medical Assistant and Phlebotomy Instructor. She believed her career was in that field with a dream of becoming a doctor.
Fast forward to six years ago, Selene was introduced to network marketing. “As soon as my last baby was born, I refused to spend any time away from my three babies. It was time for Mama to work from home,” Selene shared.
Clearly an ambitious entrepreneur, it only took Selene 14 days to join, build a Velovita business, and hit the leadership rank of All Star!
What other accomplishments is she proud of? As Selene puts it,
“a true network marketer will agree, what fills our hearts most is to help others get to a level of success they only dreamed of.
Whether with experience or not, I’ve been able to help thousands of people see the vision. Hundreds of them are now six-figure earners and a few, now millionaires are casting a new vision that encourages them to believe again.
It’s harder to help change a mindset nowadays than help someone close a sale. Helping them in that area has been more than rewarding.”
Coming from a hard-working Mexican family, Selene recalls watching her parents work all their lives to provide; working in the fields and showering with a bucket (because their tiny RV had no shower).
“As a 6-year-old little girl, I stood and admired my parents’ strength. Even at that age, I knew there was more to life. I knew that my parents deserved the world and one day I would give it to them. Now married and a mom, it only keeps me going that much more. Your “why” will definitely be one of the biggest assets to your growth, accountability, and success,” shared Selene.
With such growing appeal and traction in direct sales, what was it about Velovita specifically that stood out so much? Says Selene,
“As a coach in the industry, you need uniqueness and simplicity while making sure there’s a set foundation for growth. Our amazing products make me feel like me again. When you factor in our strong support system and everything in place for flawless growth, I knew I could make Velovita my home.”
Velovita’s Co-Founder & President, Jeff Mack shared,
“Selene got serious and got to work reaching the milestone of All Star in just two weeks!
We’re overjoyed for leaders like her, who not only put our products to the test, but use every tool available to build what, and how they want.
We’re excited for the life she’s building with Velovita, and we’re thrilled for the many people she’s helping along the way.”
What would such a leader share for any network marketing hopefuls looking for a change? Selene shared, “Being part of a global company is key for massive expansion. If your dream is to lead globally, share globally. This is it! I want to share with every person in the world and I have that option here. I really think all of the Selenes out there praying for an opportunity like this; just like I was. It really isn’t hard to get someone to believe in the products after trying just once. That instant result is insane! I just encourage people to try the products, and the rest is game over.
I lead with love, I provide options, and I will push you to the best version of yourself before any numbers. Once you realize the badass you are inside, this company changes everything. It all starts with you, the rest we’ve got.”
Founded on 90+ years of operational and field success, VELOVITA is rapidly becoming a global leader of innovation in the field of biohacking, social selling, community expansion and support for the new world entrepreneur. Their mission is to provide an ecosystem of inspiration, education, and life enrichment. VELOVITA has a singular focus on the individual to increase their daily performance, both mentally and physically.
For more information on VELOVITA, please visit or Velovita’s Facebook page. You may also connect at [email protected].
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