According to a DECENTRA press release:
Leading XIFRA network marketing professionals and top earners. are moving their teams and organisations to the new launched DECENTRA opportunity, which has initiated it’s global positioning phase.
Headquartered in Dubai, DECENTRA defines itself as the world’s most valuable private membership.
“The company provides an exclusive opportunity to join a complete technology and education platform for learning about the most trending topics, such as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, Blockchain, NFTs, DeFi, Metaverse, smart contracts and virtual reality.”
A unique earn-while-you-learn model is designed for anybody who wishes to access the world-class educational content and receive rewards while learning about exciting technologies and enriching their lives.
“Members of the DECENTRA private club, who call themselves independent entrepreneurs, obtain all the necessary knowledge and tools to grow personally and professionally in order to improve their lives and those of their loved ones.”
As for the XIFRA company, the corporate team has declared their strong commitment to delivering on the original value proposal and paying out all the outstanding rewards that correspond to its members, who are promised not to experience any losses as a result of transitioning of the leadership to DECENTRA.
DECENTRA is in a positioning phase with global leaders as a technology and education company that creates tools to make technology and financial opportunities accessible to everyone.
DECENTRA defines itself as a DeFi strongly committed to innovation and the most disruptive new technologies, both in the financial field and in other types of applications: smart contracts, virtual reality, NFT, Blockchain technology.
DECENTRA dares to understand the future to conquer the present, and to prepare people in the present to transform their future. To find out more, please visit: www.decentrauniverse.com
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Xifra l’arnaque Malheureusement ce sont des sociétés de ponzi n’y avait pas de réel trading dessus c’était simplement des scènes des mises en scène pour nos miroiter nous faire croire qu’il y avait un trading alors qu’il en était pas ici ils sont partis avec beaucoup de millions et j’espère que justice sera faite
Xifra the scam Unfortunately these are ponzi companies there was no real trading on it it was simply staged scenes to make us believe that there was a trading when there was not. here they left with a lot of millions and I hope justice will be done