Omar Salazar From Mexico Achieves Crown Black Diamond Rank At DECENTRA
Following the recent explosion of new ranks at DECENTRA, Omar Salazar comes to star in a recognition article on the Business For Home portal.
Just a couple of months ago, we featured Omar as he was joining the corporate team of the company as the new Vice President of Sales of DECENTRA. However, his field work continued on and his network remained active. Very active, actually, as Omar can now boast the newly achieved rank of Crown Black Diamond. Let’s find out how he has been able to combine both roles and what his methods have been.
“I have to be honest; it took me by surprise. With my recent and very important role of Vice President of Sales, I was so focused on working at the corporate level and with all the independent entrepreneurs in the field that didn’t even get to think about my own ranks.
But then, of course, it filled me with such great emotion, as if it was my first time! And even more so when you know that it has been achieved in the most organic way possible.
It means a lot to me. On the professional level, it is clearing the way for the new generation of leaders to see that it is possible to reach the top ranks. And personally, it is proving that I did not succeed by a stroke of luck. It was not the first time, and it has always been applying my talent, persisting and focusing on the top.”
Omar talks to us about the importance of commitment and loyalty and how he always kept his faith, dreams and expectations at the highest level possible, but what was that helped him keep up with both corporate and field work in, as he says, an organic way?
“Definitely the DMO: Daily Method of Operation. You see, if you want to build the life of your dreams, you first need to develop a solid foundation from which to start your days.
The foundation is everything, it will make you think productively, make right decisions and take action in a focused and purposeful way. That’s why you need DMO. It is a ritual, practice or daily routine.
If you feel that your days are not productive, most probably it’s because you don’t have good habits or waste time on unimportant tasks. You have to understand that your current method is failing and needs to be changed.
You must first create a productive routine and then follow it rigorously until it becomes a second nature. The day comes when don’t even think about, you just do it, it becomes a habit. And that is what I call an organic way: your results come because you have become a person of results.”
But methods are not the only ingredient of success, Omar states. We must also think about our values and personal qualities.
“When I think about core values, Loyalty, Integrity and Courage always come to mind. In this highly competitive world and especially, this industry, one must have those three values always present.
Yes, I received a couple of offers from other companies, but my vision is very clear with DECENTRA, and I know where I stand and that people’s dreams and future are protected here.
As for character features, I would highlight perseverance and humility. Perseverance is about moving forward and keep on track despite everything, despite people who may try to discourage you, despite circumstances. I have this burning desire within me and I will not allow myself to fall. Humility is to recognise that you don’t know it all and be ready learn from everyone, and above all, to learn to discipline your disappointments to bring success into your life.”
Finally, Omar leaves us a teaching that one needs to bear in mind, especially, a beginner in this industry:
“It’s a business of persistence. And it’s difficult to persist if you don’t even know what for. It has been said many times, but I would like to repeat again: you must have your Why.
Stop what you are doing now, take a break, relax, clear your mind and ask yourself what is that moves you every day, makes you get up in the morning, puts a smile on your face and makes your heart pound?
Once you found it, focus on it, have it always present, turn it into a conscious intention, live it as if it was already in your power. Persist. And be grateful for everything: for the failures, because they are lessons for you to perfect yourself in achieving your goal, and successes, because it was worth persevering.”
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