MLM Attorney Kevin Thompson: Crypto And MLM Is A Legal impossibility

Kevin Thompson is an MLM attorney, proud husband, father of four and a founding member of Thompson Burton PLLC.

Named as one of the top 25 most influential people in direct sales, Kevin Thompson has extensive experience to help entrepreneurs launch their businesses on secure legal footing.

When asked about Network Marketing and Crypto in the USA Kevin Thompson stated:

“Crypto and MLM is a legal impossibility.

The entire point of crypto is for it to be open, decentralised, permissionless.

It does not pair at all with a centrally controlled business. If tokens are involved, people will participate with the expectation/hope that the tokens will appreciate in value. This immediately renders the token a Security.

I’m a believer in blockchain. I think it provides people with an offramp from traditional finance. People have a lot of reasons to distrust traditional finance.

But that does not mean that a MLM can create and control its own blockchain.

Instead of having an open mind and assuming that a program is “innocent until proven guilty,” the presumption should be that it’s impossible until proven legitimate.”

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