Norita Sorenson’s Journey with APLGO: It’s Never Too Late for Success

It’s never too late to achieve success! In June of 2021, at the age of 73, Norita Sorenson joined APLGO and her story is truly inspiring.

It’s incredible how a simple neighborly gesture can lead to such amazing results. The fact that these DNA drops made such a remarkable difference in her breathing, allergies, sinus issues, and respiratory health is truly remarkable.

Susan Swenson introduced Norita to Tina D’Angelo, who became her guiding angel throughout her health journey. Tina took the time to understand Norita’s various health concerns, such as fatigue, mental fog, occasions muscular aches and pains, along with some digestive challenges, and provided her with the right product recommendations.

When Norita learned about the promotional offer where the company matched her spending on the drops, she knew it was a great deal! Both she and her husband were able to take advantage of this offer and embark on their health journey together.

Over the course of the next two months, Norita experienced a complete transformation as her health started to change. She noticed an increase in energy levels, manageable muscle stiffness and soreness, and seasonal allergies were easier to deal with. These drops have definitely made a positive impact on her overall well-being.

The most touching part of Norita’s story is how the drops aided her during the loss of her grandson. It’s truly remarkable that the drops helped lift that dark cloud and brought newfound mental happiness into her life. Her husband also recently passed from a long-standing condition. Norita felt the drops provided comfort and support during the last few years.

Norita recently achieved the position of Corporate Director, one of the top ranks at APLGO. Her dedication to sharing her positive experiences and helping others is truly commendable. It’s wonderful to hear that despite life’s challenges and obstacles, she has found so much joy and quality of life through her newfound APLGO family.

Her story is a testament that it’s never too late to find a new beginning and experience the power of these drops. During the 2023 Unity of Leaders Convention Norita will be the first achiever of the Spirit of APLGrow Spirit Award. Norita’s journey serves as an inspiration for all of us!


APLGO is an 11-year-old company which began expansion in the US, LatAm and Philippines in the last two years. APLGO features a category creator product “Rapid DNA Lozenges” and a compensation plan that pays out 63% on the dollar.

Our experienced corporate team is dedicated to the success of our associates led owner Sergei Kulikov, a successful, international network marketing leader. Our head office consists of six departments and sixteen divisions, with 14 global warehouses and more to come. We consult with top-tier providers to ensure every aspect of the business is solid and scalable. For more information, please visit

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