Ray Higdon: How To Reduce Frustration And Drive Massive Duplication

Hi my name is Ray Higdon and before I was ever a coach or trainer I was the number one income earner in my network marketing company. I know what it’s like to be in the field, have experienced momentum as well as it’s opposite. Before jumping into my tips, I want to talk about the difference in technique and concept – both of which we teach in Rank Makers.

I wrote a book called Freakishly Effective Leadership for Network Marketers that has helped a lot of 6,7 and 8 figure earners in Network Marketing and today want to share some practical steps on how to accomplish what the title of this article suggests.

  • How to reduce frustration.

Frustration is you feel you should be somewhere that you feel you are not. Frustration is never helpful. Typically, you fall into comparing yourself with others or even with where you used to be, IF where you used to be seemed better than where you currently are. Frustration should be an alarm bell that you are not focused on where you are going and instead are causing yourself harm and damage and you need to shake it off!

You can control frustration. You can control your thoughts and emotions. Instead of being the passenger in the car of your emotions, you can take the wheel and say, No, we aren’t feeling frustrated today, what CAN I do today? Many that read this might say, Oh, well, Ray hasn’t met MY distributors, they suck!

They don’t do anything! They don’t listen! Oh, I’ve met them, many of them have been in my programs, courses, events or our monthly membership called RankMakers. I’ve met them but THEY DID NOT CARRY THE POWER TO FRUSTRATE ME. You have to ALLOW someone to frustrate you so Stop it!

Two. How to drive massive duplication. First and foremost, the best thing you can do FOR your team, is build a new one! No, that does not mean ignore the existing or love them less, but to go and DO what you wish they were doing and bring in new people. There is nothing better than you recognizing people at new ranks that your existing team has never even heard of.

  1. Secondly but just as important, have good culture.

That word is thrown around a lot and some think it means JUST recognition and it does not. My definition of culture is the Allowing of people to feel good regardless of their level of desire or level of result.

Some people will join your team and just love to hang out, learn stuff and make friends, they may NOT have a burning desire to make it rain. Instead of braking orders at them or trying to “fix” them, love them! When you try to push your desires onto someone else it often leads them to leave vs get motivated.

For massive duplication you most certainly need a system. Some think that a system is a video that gets shared, well, that is PART of a system but not a system. A system is your onboarding, the way people can bring people into your group, the training archive and all does NOT rely on personality or charisma or influence but relies on the decided work ethic of the individual whether they are introverted or not. IF they only time you get duplication is when you recruit an influencer, your system is broken.

  • Three. Guess what?

IF you do the above suggestions, you will automatically become a leader worth following! Now clearly there are more things you can do and more strategies to grow that I cover in my trainings, at my events and in my books but this should help you with some of the major areas to improve your career as a network marketer! Hope it helped.

About the Higdon Group

The Higdon Group is passionate about helping network marketers not only reach their highest potential but equipping them at every level with the knowledge needed to succeed.  Headed by Ray and Jessica Higdon, the company lives and operates by their credo:

“Help people find freedom and fulfilment while always doing the right thing and striving for “awesomesauce.”

It’s this passion adopted by every team member working to support this vision that makes an impact both internally and externally. From various content crafted and shared with global audiences daily to the appreciation and recognition of those striving for and achieving results, the Higdon Group is truly a unique company set apart in the world of Network Marketing.

The Higdon Group stands apart from other companies given their continued dedication to the network marketing industry delivering daily live content in a private membership based community called Rank Makers. Rank Makers gives network marketing  professionals a place for community and support and they are guided daily with live training by Ray Higdon and the help of his team members.

To learn more you can visit www.HigdonGroup.com

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