Discover the Benefits of Being Present on Neora’s Built to Win Podcast
If you’ve wondered if those who seem to be super focused or “in the zone” have somehow found a magic gear, you may be right.
When we learn how to tap into our flow state, we are fully immersed in the task at hand and experience a deep sense of focus, involvement, and enjoyment.
This state of mind is often described as timeless, where nothing else seems to matter. It’s not magic or even unattainable, but it takes awareness to understand what is happening and the resilience to keep practicing.
Neora Founder Jeff Olson and CEO Deborah Heisz delve into this fascinating topic to talk about how being “in the moment” can help unlock the doors to personal and business success on Episode 19 of the Built to Win Podcast, “The Importance of Being Present.”
“It’s the one thing in the last 10 years of my life that has truly made a difference in parenting, my work, getting things done, and in the relationships, I have,” Deborah says.
Throughout the episode, Deborah and Jeff demystify the concept of “flow” and explain that while it may be hard to master, the art of the practice of being truly present can help you improve outcomes in life while adding more joy to the journey.
Mindset Over Matter
The present moment is the only thing that really exists, Jeff says. “It’s about being present which is very difficult to do. There are distractions coming from so many directions and it’s up to you to have a mindset, which comes from your personal philosophy, that you are going to focus on the things that really matter.”
Research shows that tapping into your flow state can accelerate your performance. When we experience flow, we perform at peak performance and engage with our strengths. The most successful people who achieve flow are most likely to experience mastery and growth and will be hungry to find new ways to succeed.
“That engagement, that feeling like you lost time, or what athletes call ‘in the zone,’ is something we can all strive for,” Deborah explains. “It doesn’t have to be just an athletic activity. People can tap into their flow on any activity that brings a deep sense of focus, presents an achievable challenge, and brings a sense of pleasure. But it is something that needs to be practiced in order to sharpen the skill.”
Make Time to Focus
While anyone can stumble into a flow state, those who create time to focus will get the most out of their practice. By blocking time, prioritizing tasks, establishing a routine, and minimizing distractions, you can create more opportunities to tune in to the present moment to get to that state of flow. This will increase productivity and make goals more achievable.
“When I get up every day, I have a set of routines. I always end up at my desk making a list,” Jeff says. “I have lists that pertain to business and my personal life, and many times I go through it and rewrite these lists because I am reaffirming what’s important. If doesn’t make the list, then it is not important and it’s not something to focus on.”
By prioritizing those things or activities that really matter, then you can make the time for deeper focus and make positive steps to achieving those goals, which leads to happiness, success, and better life satisfaction.
For more on how nurturing your state of flow can improve your life, your business, and your relationships, listen to episode 19, “The Importance of Being Present” on the Built to Win Podcast.
About Neora
Neora is a holistic beauty and wellness social-selling company that specializes in clean, performance-based products. Founded in 2011, Neora has won numerous awards and broken multiple industry sales and growth records, while developing a strong customer base in North America, Latin America and the Asia-Pacific region. Visit for more information.
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