Steve And Gina Merritt Go Unleashed On Direct Selling Shift Podcast

The word is out that Steve and Gina Merritt, are absolutely crushing the Network Marketing Industry with their new venture.

Blake Mallen,  host of Direct Selling Shift Podcast heard about the Merritt’s success and wanted to hear directly from them as to how they and their friends are taking the industry by storm. Network Marketing legends, Steve and Gina Merritt,  explain on Direct Selling Shift Podcast everything you want to know about this power couple achieving the highest rank in just 23 days and going from zero to over 274,000 team members in their organization over the last 2 years.

Steve, a World Champion and former Pro Athlete, and Gina a former flight attendant explain how they started their Network Marketing career living busy lives and raising four kids. Their simple yet unstoppable approach has proven to produce miraculous results not only with them but the 237 friends they have helped become millionaires in their organizations over the years. The Merritt’s only know one speed to build a successful Network Marketing business and that is full throttle and wide open.

“2025 is expected to be a record year in Network Marketing. Some companies will shine bright, and others will not. You must be deliberate with your decision in regard to what company you chose to build.

Decide you will play a big role in what is currently happening in the industry by taking advantage of this major momentum shift. In order to do so you must be involved in a company that already is experiencing explosive growth like we are here at LifeWave”

explains Steve.

Watch Steve and Gina Merritt On Direct Selling Shift Podcast

Blake Mallen, as the podcast host for Direct Selling News, has inside knowledge on who’s making noise in our industry. That’s why he reached out and asked the Merritt’s to join him on the Shift Podcast. Blake had learned first-hand how Steve and Gina were creating major momentum in a new company and wanted to learn how they are making it happen. Blake was really intrigued by how many team members they have winning and in such a short period of time.

Gina explains,

“We are experiencing a Big SHIFT in the Network Marketing Industry. The cost of living has increased significantly over the last few years with no end in sight. No longer can a family keep the same lifestyle with a conventional job, profession, or business. You must find a vehicle that allows you to duplicate your efforts. For years people would say their boss, company, or 401k will take care of them.

This is not possible anymore and it’s only getting more expensive to raise a family. As we teach the concept of compounding your efforts using the Network Marketing industry, people are seeing and capturing the vision that we saw so many years ago.

The time is so right to get started and become serious. People are looking at our industry like never before, as the best answer to achieving the dreams and goals they have for their family sooner than later.”

Mallen heard that when the Merritt’s started LifeWave, just 28 months ago, the company was nowhere on the radar. Recently LifeWave became one of the top momentum companies,  in the industry per Business For Home. In only 16 months the Merritt’s became the Fastest growing couple of now a 20 year old company and bringing their friends along with them.

Blake was curious about how they have become the talk of the Network Marketing industry with a product-based company that had already been around for 20 years. He also wanted to learn how the system they have in place is helping so many succeed in such a short period of time. Listen To Steve and Gina Merritt On The Direct Selling Shift Podcast also streaming on Apple, Spotify, Audible, and YouTube.

The Merritt’s explain on Shift, why they are winning so fast and how important having a proven support system like their ThisIsItTeam.Com,  is in achieving the duplication effect in an organization. That is key in how the Merritt’s have already helped record numbers on their team achieved the Highest Rank at LifeWave in just 2 years. Steve and Gina are serious about calling to attention the fact that systems duplicate, and people do not. They are confident once you understanding this your Networking Business will go into warp speed.

“The recent launch of X39 is the reason for the major growth we are experiencing in LifeWave. X39 is the best device we have ever experienced in the 36 years we’ve been involved in Network Marketing. This technology is literally a Game Changer because it’s been the life calling of the inventor and owner, David Schmidt.

David did not start looking to build a network marketing company. He’s a scientist with over 130 patents, invented the technology and only then decided to move it through a network. The X39 so easiest to share, it’s exclusive, recently patented, and the daily testimonies we are experiencing are so emotional”

Steve explains.  

Gina is remarkable on the Shift Podcast as she gives the most informative and powerful explanation on how to encourage your husband and all the husbands on your team to engage, pick up the phone, and build. She tells the wives in such a way that only Gina Merritt, could possibly explain. Gina has without a doubt a personality that captures the attention of everyone in the room. She is one of the few that could teach women in such a fun and relatable way how much influence you as a wife really have.

The Merritt’s emphasize to not get stuck on the fact that LifeWave has been in business for over 20 years. Steve and Gina were excited it was not a startup and had the stability of paying their distributors for the last 20 years. The fact that LifeWave is already open in 75 countries and just launched Korea is so important when picking a company to pour your heart into building. The momentum the company is experiencing is what all network marketers dream of. Because of the record growth that is happening every month the Merritt’s believe this is just the beginning of what’s to come making it the perfect time to get started in LifeWave and build your own global empire.

After watching this interview of the Merritt’s on the Direct Selling Shift Podcast, you too will experience the passion Steve and Gina have for people. The Merritt’s goal is to change the perception people have of the Network Marketing Industry. Doing what’s right and building with integrity is key to attracting quality people into an organization. People are praying and searching today for true mentors, with a real product, to grow a successful business organically which is exactly what will happen once you partner up with Steve and Gina Merritt.

Watch Steve and Gina Merritt On The Direct Selling Shift Podcast

Get more information, facts and figures about LifeWave, click here for the LifeWave overview.

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