
Review score
★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars based on 436 reviews)
Country US United States
Est. Revenue 2018$0.00
Est. Revenue 2019$0.00
Est. Revenue 2020$1.00
Est. Revenue 2021$65.00
Est. Revenue 2022$70.00
Est. Revenue 2023$80.00
Est. per year$52.00 million
Est. per month$4.33 million
Est. per week$1,000,000
Est. per day$142,466
Est. per hour$5,936.07
Est. per minute$98.93
Est. per second$1.65
Est. since viewing this page$1.65

Top Earners (10)

Business Grade

Business For Home recommends the company. There is high certainty that the net benefit is substantial for a distributor.


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iGenius Rating by Business For Home

Direct Selling professionals have rated this company based on their experience as a user of the reviewed products and opportunity. The reviews of the products and opportunity usually comments on how well the company measures up to expectations based on the specifications provided by company. Observations are factual as well as subjective in nature. The reviews comment on service experienced, and dependability or trustworthiness of the distributor.

★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars based on 436 reviews)
Makayla Jaden Glover 2024-04-10 15:44:26

IGenius is an amazing company looks after their people, I’m Makayla 20 from South Australia this company is starting to really change my life around in many different ways it has helped me step out of my comfort zone, educate me on the world and finically how to deal with money better Not only that you can make money with the product, but that there is a health reimbursement plan. I am absolutely convinced of the company and the people behind it. IGenius has everything you need. Be it financial education or seriousness. Everything is given. It's a gift for me to be a part of it all. So many lives have been changed here and millionaires have been created. Thank you IGenius

Aamir 2024-03-20 10:36:26

Very useful one this company is the best companies and like to join this company but I apply for many times and I haven't seen any feedback from the.for it seems very talented companies and I like your idea.i like this company but I think information on future of them but they don't have enough time for another person to understand this thing .I want information from where you speak with that language do people speak English in Instagram story without them knowing about this company is not enough time with the best companies Moodle style of the day

Michelle 2024-02-15 03:03:00

IGenius has really changed my life and is easily the best decision that i have made. The skills i have learned since starting have allowed me to quit my 9-5 within 6 months. IGenius truly gives people the ability to take control of their finances and achieve that freedom that we all want and i’m so thankful for everything this company is and continues to be. The support within the community is always amazing and it has allowed me to meet some of the most inspiring and hardworking people and learn from them, aswell as improving myself day by day.

Lynn Senger 2023-11-23 09:45:47

Ich muss schon sagen, ich bin unglaublich dankbar dafür, bei iGenius zu sein! Diese Firma hat mir wieder so viel Lebensenergie gegeben & man lernt so krasse Skills und das für diesen Preis, ich bin jedes Mal erstaunt was hier möglich ist. Jeder hat hiermit die Möglichkeit sich ein Nebeneinkommen oder ein Vollzeiteinkommen aufzubauen & dazu sein eigenes Unternehmen. Man muss es einfach nur für sich effektiv nutzen & wenn man mal nicht weiter kommt, kann man auch überall nach einem Rat fragen & der Support antwortet auch sehr schnell. Die Education, die Menschen, die Bildung, die Website, die Events, die Automatisierungen, die Tools, die Kosten usw. ALLES ist Perfekt abgestimmt & man kann überhaupt nicht meckern. Dazu werden ständig neue Produkte entwickelt & wir werden regelmäßig von der SEC geprüft, was auf Seriösität hinweist. Alles im Einem: Ich bin seit einem Dreiviertel Jahr dabei & wunschlos glücklich. Mir hätte nichts besseres passieren können!

Julia 2023-11-15 08:53:37

IGenius bietet viele Möglichkeiten, sich mit dem Thema Geld und Investieren zu beschäftigen und dementsprechend aufzustellen. Die Kombination mit der Möglichkeit zum Vetrieb gibt die Chance, ortsunabhängig sich was mit Zukunft aufbauen zu können. Man wird bei der Company super an die Hand genommen und bekommt sehr viel Hilfe. Ich bin noch nicht da, wo ich sein will, sehe aber sehr viel Potenzial. Viele in der Firma haben ihr Money Mindset überarbeiten können und sich finanziell freier machen können. Auch der Support ist gut erreichbar. Super ist, dass man sein Geld nie aus der Hand gibt, sondern Dritte Anbieter bzw Plattformen, unabhängig von iGenius nutzt.

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