My Shopping Genie Busted Official Response

June 14, 2011 MyNet Holdings, Inc, MyNet Universe, Inc and Subsidiaries
Official Legal Position (PIcture David Freed – CEO)
MyNet Universe, Inc was recently made aware of and received some concerning emails, one in which the author, x, openly and vehemently disparages the Company. The policy of the Company is generally not to address statements which have a signature of x; however, after an immediate mode of discovery, the Company is fairly certain of its origination.
Likewise, the Company principals normally consider it imprudent to give credibility to such statements; however, after discussing this with our legal team, the Company has chosen to issue the following information in regard to this current matter:
First and foremost, the very statement of content of one of the emails (received stuff from people here and there, over time, and links to websites explaining details) directly questions the truth, credibility, and validity of the information. We believe that the author of the email, Kalpesh Patel, has both a personal, self-serving agenda from perhaps trying to build his 3rd new direct sales organization (in the last 120 days) by stealing MyNet Distributors, as well as, a direct motive to bring harm to thousands of distributors worldwide with his statements.
After numerous Distributor complaints and reports, Mr. Patel was asked by the Company to verify that he was not recruiting MyNet Distributors that were not directly enrolled by him. After a non response and further violations, Mr. Patel, did have his Distributorship suspended. To date, it appears, Mr. Patel's attack is what he has decided his response would be.
The overwhelming content of the email is untrue, inflammatory, and has no factual basis-and Mr. Patel knows that fact. MyNet's Master Distributor Bruce Bise has been forthright and has addressed his history with Mr. Patel and many of you have spoken with Bruce also. Neither, Bruce nor any of his family members are account holders or signers of any of the MyNet Bank Accounts, nor have they ever been.
Mr. Patel also is dishonest with his statements about commissions due, and, in fact, was assigned a position by his Enroller that gave his business a great head start in accumulating his MyNet earnings. His commission total for nine months is $119, 814.
In regard to Nancy and Andrew Burling: They are guilty of the same violation (which now is public knowledge). The Burlings became Partners of John Van Deurzen who was assigned a position in the main leg of the Company from its Founders. That assignment assisted the Partnership in averaging $54,000 a month for every month, of the 13 months, they were a part of MyNet Universe.
We find it interesting and disingenuous at best, that both of the Parties in this letter suddenly feel the need to come clean after their alleged inappropriate actions were brought into question by the Company. As long, as they were able to cross-sponsor and commit other violations of the Company's Terms and Conditions, they were happy to receive the commissions from MyNet. Once the company took a position, on behalf of and in an effort to protect its Distributors by enforcing the Company's Terms and Conditions, which threatened their income, they became willing to throw the Company under the bus by creating a propaganda campaign against us-and against you-jeopardizing your ability to earn income. One might ask, What amount was the head hunter fee they received from their new venture? Unfortunately this is a bad pattern in the Direct Sales industry.
The Company takes seriously the actions of these former MyNet Distributors and their intent to disparage the Company and bring harm to all. MyNet Universe, Inc., along with other agencies and entities, is moving forward in a mode of discovery in an attempt to gather all the facts of what its damages are and plans to take legal action to protect its business on behalf of you and of every Distributor.
Prudence tells you that it is easy to play sideline quarterback and criticize the Company through the challenges it has faced during the new management transition. Emails are not considered private speech. When a court finds a person to have libeled another, the court can charge him a fine for each and every time that libelous statement had been published, i.e., each time that email was sent, or re-sent-by anyone. The Company has a duty to its shareholders, its employees, and its independent distributors to protect itself against all outside attacks, and it will do so to the fullest extent allowed by law. The Company also has a duty to protect its name, trademarks and business operations from Companies and/or individuals that choose to violate them.
MyNet Executive Team
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My Shopping Genie hits back
Interesting how this Company wishes to condem another for providing “Head Hunting” fees when that is exactly what they did with these people in the first place. They made the decision to provide a position that generated $54,000 month to people with little or no integrity and then they want to complain about it??? I believe these types of decisions and then the complaining about it afterwards should question the business sense and integrity of this Company and its Founders!!!!
Buyer Beware!!!!
And so the story moves on. I am glad to see such a robust defence of it’s position by MNU. Although I am usually quick to condem companies when they use their T & C’s to bully Distributors, it’s surely equally wrong for some well known self serving rolling stones who abuse the trust placed in them by those team members who blindly follow them from company to company and then cry ‘foul’ when their underhand and devioous actions in preparing to make a killing from the next ‘best thing’ bring due justice.
I joined the company in January, (I am in Portugal) and now have 16 distributors in my team from across Europe. I get paid on time every week and have had no issues with anyone in the company. The company answer my emails, my managers have given me excellent support and everything seems quite transparent. I have spent more on a night out than I invested with this company and it is the best money I have spent. I run my MLM Genie business part time and enjoy it. I am only writing this comment because it only ever seems to be moaners who write comments and especially ones who aren’t in the business. I cant only speak as I find so thank you for the opportunity My Net Universe. I have worked in 100% commission businesses for 15 years and acrimonious turnover of the top staff is nothing new!! Brian (PORTUGAL) [email protected]
Note that David Freed openly admits that positions were “assigned” to Kalpesh Patel and to Nancy and Andrew Burling.
Add this red flag to your list: Beware of any company that plays “Let’s Make A Deal!” For a company to have integrity, the playing field must be level for all. You should be able to look someone in the eye and say, “I EARNED my success. You can too.”
This is not the case in My Shopping Genie, and sadly, not the case in many legitimate MLM companies.
Our first introduction to My Shopping Genie was via a little white lie by one of the top earners. We’ve just written an article on our blog about that minor incident and how it forecast this major event and the beginning of the collapse of the pyramid.
Thanks for keeping us up to date, Ted! And in your emails, please don’t apologize. This IS good MLM news! We have to remain vigilant and vocal if we are to protect our legitimate businesses from scoundrels and weasels.
Together to the top!
Bob and Anna
Ditto to Stephen Clark above.
If you are going to set me up so well to bring in my team, why wouldn’t I take the next companies offer, and the next., and the next, etc
Stephen, Hope you don’t mind, I could not say it any better.
Interesting how this Company wishes to condemn another for providing ?Head Hunting? fees when that is exactly what they did with these people in the first place. They made the decision to provide a position that generated $54,000 month to people with little or no integrity and then they want to complain about it??? I believe these types of decisions and then the complaining about it afterwards should question the business sense and integrity of this Company and its Founders!!!! (Stephen Clark)
Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.
MyShoppingGenie works! I’m excited about this business because I’ve saved a lot of money by using the ‘Genie’ to get cheapest deals.. And as a distributor my commissions are being paid every week by Mynet Universe.
To me the business is getting better and better, as the Company keeps introducing new ideas and technologies.
I believe that I’m really blessed to be Msg distributor. The future is very bright.
If you want to be a statistic; If you want your mlm story to include company after company after company; or you want it to end abruptly when you just get fed up then attempt to build your empire with a service, software , internet or technology product. They are all irrelevant or totally extinct within 5 years and 5 years from now the cycle will likely be 5 months.
And I just add this to what the others have said about building in a company run by deal makers. Those all die from the cancer within.
I know people will not learn from my comments. Real learning comes from experience. There will come a day in our profession when people really understand the wealth building treasure it is and they enter and pursue building their empire with great due diligence. They study the company. They study the owners. They study the top leaders. They give any new company time to mature and show itself.
They will no longer dive in on the same level of whim one would choose which frat party to attend…and attend and attend until one passes out from exhaustion or alcohol poisoning.
This is awful and a grim reminder of schoolyard backstabbing and how quickly we can lose our income if we’re not plugged into a platform that protects us. Many MLM operations are on the way out leaving their distributors stunned and in financial hardship. Ken Eggleston CEO of Monitium believes this is unfortunately a growing trend within the industry. Monitium members have an opportunity to grow their business by helping PROTECT other Home Based Business Owners. The Monitium platform allows its members to diversify into multiple companies within a protected environment.
Check it out, I believe it’s the answer to attaining true financial stability for every Home Based Entrepreneur. Monitium has spent the last 9 months Beta Testing it’s model and they have one of the best technology solutions available in the industry .
Wow. Too much bad info, google searches alone could kill em even if it’s not true. Live by the internet, die by the internet I always say.
My Shopping Genie owes me money too. When I asked them to respond they never would. When I asked them to fix it, it took months. They still didn’t fix it. When I tried to get answers no one would. My shopping Genie is a scam, has no customer service, and when you question them they kick you out.
I am one happy MSG distributor. I save a lot of money with My Shopping Genie. I believe it is the future of home business in the internet economy. It allows the masses to participate with low-cost entry and monthly fees versus so many other MLM opportunities. Show me any other better way to participate in the Internet Revolution and get a piece of the action as major trends transform our economy. I love to tell people about My Shopping Genie for many years to come as the world transitions into the Information Age.