Randy Schroeder β MonaVie Back As Distributor

MonavIe appointed Randy Schroeder In March 2012 as President of North America Market.
Randy says:
Today is for me a great day. After three years of learning, growing and hopefully helping Mona Vie distributors on the corporate/executive side, I today rejoin the ranks of distributor π
I thank Dallin Larsen and the balance of Mona Vie owners and management for all of the support and encouragement they have given me as I have learned things from the inside that I may never have come to know in any other way.
What will change?
1: Given greater time availability as I will no longer be involved in management meetings, I will again begin to conduct market specific web sessions for many of the European markets, as opposed to the single multi language session I have been conducting.
2: I will focus my North American activities in the following ways:
A: I have a deep belief that every major minority group will one day be fully represented in Mona Vie. There are several sub economies which are growing rapidly in the United States, even as the overall economy languishes.
I will be aggressive in my personal enrolling activities in the Latino and African American communities.
B: In my past USA successes, I have been successful in recruiting sophisticated and well educated people who may not have been historically enthused about our industry. The introduction of VIEW grants us an legitimate opportunity to attract entire new groups of people to Mona Vie who until this moment have never felt themselves at home in our business. I will be active in my pursuit of success in this market segment.
C: I believe that there are many many people in America who are looking at our industry today, and who will find areas of strength in Mona Vie which are not easily found elsewhere in the industry. I plan to tell our story frequently and convincingly to all who will listen, both those who have before tried and floundered as well as the vast majority who have never yet chosen to participate.
3: The European business is a thing of absolute business. I will aggressively support those already in our business….and I will recruit, recruit, recruit and recruit in Europe and Russia. Why? Because that is the only SURE way to success! π
4: Mona Vie works in all corners of the world. I like them all. It will be my intention to launch new business and support existing business (whether mine or not…MVP!) in every corner.
To those Mona Vie distributors not in my business who wish to remain engaged in the process as I teach it, I offer myself to you as a continued part of your overall support, principally made available through the ongoing web sessions. That schedule will be announced next week.
All that you have received from me in the past remains available. I truly appreciate your friendship.
And, I fully believe that you, that I…the WE can have it ALL!