Ken Dunn Leaves Ocean Avenue

Industry Giant Ken Dunn leaves Ocean Avenue & Network Marketing
Rumors started to circulate around the industry about 4 weeks ago that something had happened with Ken and Ocean Avenue. Our initial calls to Ken failed, but we did catch up with him last week.
Ken is currently in his 12th year in the network marketing industry and has earned millions of dollars in income. His experienced has taken him into dozens of countries and friendships now span the globe. Along the way Ken has written 4 books that have been sold in more than a dozen countries. In the spring of 2012, Ken partnered with Fred Ninow & Tuffy Baum to start Ocean Avenue.
Ocean Avenue accomplished what few companies ever do in an initial year that surpassed 14 million in revenue.
At the same time as Ocean Avenue was growing, Ken was splitting his time with an even bigger passion then Network Marketing: Writing and Publishing. Ken is the CEO & Founder of a hybrid publishing company called Next Century Publishing (
Ken realized that he needed to follow his long time dream to Change The Way People Write, Read & Experience Books. NCP offers an entire suite of publishing and marketing services that are unparalleled. Authors from all genres are partnering with NCP as an alternative to the incumbents in that space.
“The idea of walking away from MLM and OA is the toughest decision that I have ever had to make. My decision had little to do with the competitor’s attack, but rather a dream that I have been carrying for years. Everyone that knows me, know that I love books. I have read over 800 books in the past decade. If I didn’t move to focus on NCP, I would regret it for the rest of my life.
Ocean Avenue is in great hands with Fred & Staci, Tuffy & Theresa and the field leaders. It is an amazing opportunity. I would recommend it to anyone asking. I just have another direction that I need to go in.
Network Marketing will always be near and dear to my heart. The profession has expanded me to heights that I would never have been able to acheive as a Police Detective.
My publishing company is launching several extremely unique initiatives in the next 12 months that have a chance to completely change how books are created and marketed. The interest that we are getting from Major NY Publishing Houses has me convinced that we are onto something. I had to make the move.
If anyone would like to stay in touch, my phone number remains the same but my email address is changing to [email protected]. I have thousands of friends in the Profession and I plan to stay involved as an advocate and supporter. I will be at all the events and intend to be active in the ANMP, Mastermind Event, GoPro event and many other incredible initiatives.
I will also be speaking and training any group or company that asks on prospecting and sales training in support of my soon-to-be-released new book, The Greatest Prospector In The World. You an get more information at
Finally, according to NY Times research, over 75% of Americans have some level of interest in writing a book before they die. I would love to hear from anyone who has a book in their hearts. I can help.” ~ Ken Dunn