Young Top Leaders Julian Kuschner, Nick Gomez And Jonathan Lopez Join iMarketslive

After generating over $50 Million dollar in revenue and leading over 40,000 people across the globe in their previous network marketing companies, Network marketing leaders Julian Kuschner (age 24), Nick Gomez (age 22), Jonathan Lopez (age 24) and the massive Global Entrepreneur Movement partners with International Markets Live, Inc. (iMarketslive).
“Unity drives purpose, so we decided to unite with the best of the best in the industry”
Julian said.
These three are best known for leading a movement of young and old alike to go after their goals and dreams with the right vehicle and training in place.
It is no surprise that their Global Entrepreneur Movement (G.E.M.) has had over 20,000 members come through their organization to gain access to high level training to become well-rounded entrepreneurs and network marketers.
Julian, Why did your organization decide to partner with iMarketslive?
“We found unity and a strong foundation to spread our message to the world. Unity drives purpose, so we decided to unite with the best of the best in the industry to drive that global purpose. We realized this company was everything we needed to surpass all that we have done in the past.
The partnership with some of the biggest names in the industry including multiple 7 and 8 figure earners Alex Morton, Ivan Tapia, and David Imonite, the top level leadership in CEO, Christopher Terry and the executive team has made this transition easy for everyone.
We have never seen anything like this educational platform and trading software to help the average person win just by using the product. Built with an incredible service platform, the leadership and the 32,000 customers already using the product around the world gives us the strong foundation in place to be able to 10X everything we have done up to this point.

This is the foundation that gives us the opportunity to spread a bigger message globally and develop a culture built on unity, working hand in hand with the best in the industry”.
The product line and ability to help the average person win in the iMarketslive offering “with the right system, strong trading technology and the right education to give our customer what they want” Jonathan Lopez added,
“we finally found a home where the average person can not only make money just by using the product but can come in, no matter their background, and have a great opportunity to make a residual income of $600 a month to start”.
The surge in customers around the globe learning and benefitting from their education was a significant factor in the industry leader’s decision to partner up with iMarketslive. The figures over the last year are included below:
$178,060 in monthly volume.
One active 6 figure earner.
1,200 customers.
$6.3 million in monthly volume.
48+ top earners
40,000 customers.
Christopher Terry on Julian, Nick and, Jonathan:
“We have been fortunate enough to have some amazing leadership come into iMarketslive over the last year and help us expand our global mission.
These are some of the most talented and purpose driven individuals I have come across and their success speaks for itself. Their work ethic and love for their people is hard to come by and we are fortunate enough to have them”
About iMarketsLive
iMarketsLive provides a full array of retail trading products and services to a global audience for those who want to participate in the Forex & Futures Markets. iMarketsLive’s services include a Live Educational Services, Hands Free Mirror Trading as well as a Robotic Trade Scanner and other amazing services.
iMarketsLive has a bundled their products/services with a Network Marketing compensation plan that allows its IBO’s to earn a generous income by simply sharing their services with others and building a residual income though building a network of IBO’s and customers.
For more information please visit
Look for iMarketsLive to make major announcements in the coming months on more software and tools for all their customer base to use to continue dominating the markets.
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