Industry Veteran Peter Wolfing Joins QuiAri

QuiAri and the 90-Day Kickstart Challenge are attracting people from all walks of life, from all around the globe. There is no shortage of success stories from people who are improving their health and wealth.
These stories are gaining the attention of MLM industry leaders all over the world, such as Peter Wolfing. Peter is a business owner, an Amazon best-selling author, paid public speaker, and QuiAri Promoter. He is the latest in a string of successful entrepreneurs that have joined QuiAri.
“I’ve been in the business 30+ years and have written 6 books about the direct selling industry. At this point in my career, I rarely get involved with new companies, but QuiAri was too good of an opportunity to ignore. The products are delicious, and they actually work. I personally lost 25 pounds in just two months. The weight just melted off,”
stated Peter Wolfing.
In addition to weight loss, Peter was surprised when he started experiencing other healthy benefits from taking the products. Some of which occurred just 15 minutes after taking 2 QuiAri Energy tablets.
“I felt this incredible burst of energy and my mind suddenly became clear and focused. My productivity started increasing at work. I’ve tried other weight loss programs before. None of them have these kind of residual benefits. This is not your average product and it is certainly not your average opportunity,”
said Peter Wolfing.
The QuiAri opportunity has everyone in the network marketing industry talking. CEO and Founder, Bob Reina promised QuiAri would be unlike any other MLM opportunity and he delivered with unique benefits like Same Day Pay. QuiAri is the first – and only – health and wellness MLM that pays commissions earned in 5 minutes or less. This state-of-the-art technology includes a mobile app that instantly notifies Promoters with a “cha-ching” sound effect every time they get paid. Even international Promoters qualify for Same Day Pay.
“I have all the respect in the world for QuiAri CEO and Founder, Bob Reina. Same Day Pay is important to all Promoters. Reward someone instantly for doing a great job and they will be encouraged to repeat that action. Getting those cha–ching notifications on their mobile devices every time somebody takes the Challenge gives them the motivation to keep going,” said Peter Wolfing.
The respect Peter has for Bob is mutual. Like most people in the direct selling world, he is aware of Peter’s incredible success and sees a promising future ahead for him with QuiAri.
“Peter has done extremely well in this industry. Like many other Promoters, he recognizes the enormous opportunity QuiAri and the Kickstart Challenge can provide. We’re happy to have him on our team,”
said CEO and Founder, Bob Reina.
QuiAri’s network of Promoters is only growing with each passing day. Peter believes in the Kickstart Challenge and said his strategy moving forward is to share QuiAri products and his incredible weight loss story with as many people as possible so they become believers too.
“My parents were entrepreneurs, and I’ve been an entrepreneur ever since I was 5 years old. QuiAri does a good job of giving their Promoters and Customers the belief in the products and the confidence to promote the Challenge. As a Promoter, they give us everything we need to succeed. All we need to do is share our story and get people to take the Challenge,”
said Peter Wolfing.
Excitement within the company is at an all-time high. The company is experiencing massive growth domestically and internationally. QuiAri is already in the process of opening offices globally. With a superior pay plan and exclusive products no other company can offer, Peter has no doubts about QuiAri’s future success.
“This is the next billion-dollar brand in the making. I’m excited to be part of the QuiAri team and want to share this incredible opportunity with everyone I know. These products are making a difference, changing lives. My life certainly has changed and it’s only because I accepted QuiAri’s 90-Day Kickstart Challenge,” stated Peter Wolfing.
About QuiAri
QuiAri provides life-changing opportunities that empower people to feel their best so they can live their best. Their breakthrough health and wellness products are made from an exclusive extract of the maqui berry, the world’s new number 1 superfruit. Plus, QuiAri offers opportunities to receive Same Day Pay just by sharing their products with others. Try. Love. Share!
To learn more about QuiAri, or to get in touch with a Promoter, visit
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Income Disclosure Statement
Please note the QuiAri business opportunity offers unlimited income potential. However, QuiAri makes no guarantee of financial success. Success with QuiAri results only from successful sales efforts, which require hard work, diligence, skill, persistence, competence, and leadership. Your income will depend upon how well you exercise these qualities.
As QuiAri is in its first year of business operations, we do not have sufficient statistical data to prepare complete, first-year income disclosures. A more detailed survey will be conducted after our first year of business. If income projections were presented to you prior to your enrollment, such projections are not representative of the income, if any, that you can or will earn through your participation in the QuiAri Compensation Plan.
Get more information, facts and figures about QuiAri, click here for the QuiAri overview.
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