Wioletta Białek Becomes First Woman In Poland To Achieve Diamond Ambassador Rank At iGenius

Wioletta Białek is a twenty-seven-year-old from Poland. After graduating from college, Wioletta became a civil engineer. She immediately saw that her career path wasn’t what she had expected. She worked in the office eight hours a day and got paid minimum wage.

She decided to change jobs so she could work on site, but she came to the realization that it wasn’t a career that would give her the life she always hoped for. She needed something to change.

Wioletta said,

“I believe in the law of attraction. I started reading a lot about self and financial development. One day, I got a message on Instagram from a man who introduced me to iGenius. I was open minded and believed that he was the person I needed in my life who could help me develop myself and reach my goals.”

Wioletta fully committed herself to the iGenius platform. She became a student, learned as much as she could, and quickly began building a successful business sharing the iGenius opportunity with others. She said,

“Day by day I realized that I joined a powerful company with a great product. What I love about iGenius is that you can start from scratch and learn everything about investments. Not only that, but you can recommend iGenius to other people so you can create a few sources of income.”

Wioletta loves that with her new business she can work from anywhere in the world. She also enjoys the open-minded people she gets to work with, and she loves that she’s in charge of her own success. iGenius has brought her a sense of fulfillment she was searching for.

Wioletta has truly committed herself to the business. There isn’t a single day that she isn’t working. Because of her dedication and work ethic, she has built a very successful business. Wioletta just made history as she became the first female to hit the rank of Diamond Ambassador at iGenius. She said,

“My biggest motivation to work hard is escaping from the life I had, being financially free, and helping my family. I want to provide my parents with a good life. They deserve freedom because they worked so hard for my education and my life so far. I’m also thinking about my future family and I want to give my future kids the best childhood ever”.

Wioletta is driven by seeing other people’s success. “Earning money is cool but seeing other people earning because of your help is much better,” she said. Wioletta knows there are a lot of lives she hasn’t impacted yet. Her main goal is to help as many people as possible gain financial freedom, and by doing so she is working hard to achieve the next prestigious rank of Crown at iGenius.

About iGenius

iGenius helps members amplify their quality of life by providing leading edge financial tools, education, and opportunities. iGenius can help you take control of your future and start living brilliantly. For more information about iGenius, visit: www.igeniusglobal.com.

iGenius LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Investview Inc., (OTCQB:INVU), a public company. For more information on Investview and the ability to participate in Investview’s growth, please visit investview.com or email [email protected].

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