Paulo And Liliana Alves From Portugal Join LifeWave, Achieve 2nd Highest Rank

Network Marketing Leaders, Paulo and Liliana Alves from Portugal, recently decide to partner up with their friends and Network Marketing Legends, Steve and Gina Merritt in LifeWave promoting the X39 Technology.

Currently LifeWave is ranked the #2 Momentum Company in the industry per Business For Home. LifeWave is experiencing explosive growth in America and now expanding to Europe.

Paulo and Liliana are Breaking Records with LifeWave in Europe as they have made Portugal, where they live the Fastest Growing Country in the entire world of LifeWave. Growing over 1,400% last month which proves the momentum that is happening in LifeWave.

Paulo and Liliana have been in the industry for 15 years and at the highest level before they decided to start from zero to pursue the LifeWave Opportunity. One of the biggest reasons in Paulo and Liliana’s decision to make this important move was finding a product that was not a Me Too or the same as all the other companies have.

The X39 was recently patented, its exclusive, and more importantly no other network, or company has this phototherapy technology. Successful network marketers understand the power behind a product-based network, but it’s hard to find a company that has a product as unique as the X39 Technology.

Steve Merritt & Gina Merritt, Liliana & Paulo Alves

“We have a passion for people. Once Steve and Gina explained why they believed the X39 was the best product ever in Network Marketing, we were convinced. The testimonies our friends are experiencing from X39 are life changing and so emotional.

The stories are what sell, and they are growing our business faster than we have ever experienced in our network marketing career. We are at the beginning stages here in Europe of something that is going to be Huge.”

Says Liliana.

Shortly after engaging in LifeWave this European Power Couple reached the second highest rank in LifeWave, Presidential Director. Paulo and Liliana are convinced that X39 and the patented technology behind it, is the Best product they have ever experienced in Network Marketing. They are expecting the same massive growth that LifeWave is seeing America to happen throughout Europe.

“Timing is so important in Network Marketing” Explains Paulo.

“Once you recognize a great company with an exceptional product, that is experiencing momentum, with the opportunity to partner up with two of the best leaders in the industry, Steve and Gina Merrittwho have implemented a proven THIS IS IT System you must realize what you have and go all in.

In reality, not making a decision is actually a decision and would be the biggest mistake we could ever make.”

Liliana Alves Featured On RTP 1 TV

Paulo and Liliana believe that being new Presidential Directors is not just a personal milestone, it’s a social responsibility. We are focused on helping people with this powerful product to guide transformation in people’s lives and support others to achieve success on their journey of this business.

The Alves have experienced success in LifeWave very quickly and the word about the benefits of this X39 Technology is growing so fast that Liliana has already been invited to be interviewed on RTP 1 (the best known public TV in Portugal) to share her story and testimony in LifeWave.

Their commitment to help, coach and mentor others on their team, along with their proactive approach demonstrates their commitment to being exemplary leaders in this profession.

About LifeWave

Since LifeWave received its Patent for the X39 technology July 2020, the company has experienced explosive growth. LifeWave grew 120% over the last year which is a remarkable accomplishment. All this excitement has captured the attention of many Network Marketing leaders around the world which has rocketed LifeWave up the Business For Home Momentum Ranks.

The technology behind the X39 is very sophisticated, yet the average person can understand and explain how it works. David Schmidt, the owner of LifeWave and inventor of X39 has over 130 patents to his name. He has performed many case studies on LifeWave’s X39 patch technology. To research X39 case studies, doctor reviews, patents, and testimonies go to

Get more information, facts and figures about LifeWave, click here for the LifeWave overview.

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