Entrepreneur And MLM Industry Leader, Jimmy Ezzell Joins QuiAri

QuiAri Promoter, Jimmy Ezzell will never forget the moment he left the corporate world for Network Marketing. Jimmy used to work as an Executive for a large book and magazine publishing company. He remembers being routinely scolded for spending his free time with his daughter instead of working longer hours at the office.
Eventually, he had enough and joined a Direct Sales company that sold legal products. It was the best decision of his life. Over the last 20 years, his success in Network Marketing has provided him with the time freedom to be an amazing Dad, but now he’s ready to take it to the next level. Jimmy is interested in creating generational wealth for his family and has discovered a simple, direct path to achieving it – QuiAri.
“I was born in the Philippines but moved to America when I was just 4 years old. Even as a child, my dream was to be a business owner and build a company from the ground up.
I thought working as an Executive at a publishing company would help me reach my dream lifestyle faster, but looking back I realized it only delayed my success.
I’m much closer to my dreams now thanks to QuiAri and the MLM industry. Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to meet with several MLM owners, at one point I was an MLM owner myself, so I respect and appreciate everything QuiAri Founder & CEO, Bob Reina, has done to create the ideal MLM forever home for Promoters. I
t takes extraordinary effort to build a successful global company from the ground up, but Bob and the Executive Team have made it look easy. I’m excited to be here at QuiAri. Our momentum is the highest it has ever been, and we have not even reached our full potential,”
said QuiAri Promoter, Jimmy Ezzell.
Jimmy said QuiAri is the last MLM company he will ever need to join, and many top industry leaders feel the same way. Everyone in the industry is talking about QuiAri’s explosive growth, and many are joining now for fear of missing out. According to Jimmy, QuiAri’s breakthrough anti-aging products and industry-first 5-Minute Pay Compensation Plan are the obvious reasons why he has decided to go all-in, but said there are many more that aren’t immediately recognized.
Executive Team with Over 500 Years of Combined MLM Experience
A global network with Customers and Promoters in over 100 countries supported by global offices and distribution centers in 5 continents doesn’t happen accidentally. Jimmy said he joined because of QuiAri Founder & CEO, Bob Reina’s track record of success and compassion for helping others. QuiAri Executive Team has a combined 500+ years of MLM experience. Very few companies, if any, can say the same.
“Bob is the heart and soul of our company. He has a long, 30+ year history of success in the MLM industry and loves helping people look, feel, and live better.
You won’t find anyone more generous or driven to help others succeed. Bob has created a brilliantly simple system with one-of-a-kind products featuring the new #1 anti-aging superfruit, Maqui.
If you diligently teach your Team how to duplicate and follow your training, you will reach your goals. QuiAri provides the best opportunity for success thanks to strong leadership and a CEO who strives to be the best. Because of that, QuiAri is in a class all by itself,”
said Jimmy Ezzell.
Scientifically Proven, Proprietary, & Delicious Products
Bob Reina’s collaboration with world-renowned anti-aging and Maqui expert, Dr. Juan Hancke led to a scientific breakthrough. Dr. Hancke pioneered a way to extract youth molecules and powerful antioxidants from the Maqui Berry. He then formulated a super-concentrated extract propriety to QuiAri called MaquiX®, which is 10 times stronger than Maqui alone. Jimmy has been taking the products and has felt the results.
“My energy, excitement, and mental clarity are all at heightened levels. I also lost 16 pounds and kept it off. That’s something I wasn’t able to do before.
The benefit I didn’t expect was recovery after workouts. I used to get sluggish and have brain fog after workouts, but now I bounce back pretty quickly. I also look and feel younger.
I’m 51, but I feel like I’m 30 again. It’s hard to believe all of these benefits come from products that taste so good. The Shakes are my favorite. It’s like having a chocolate malt and birthday cake for breakfast – so smooth and yummy,”
said Jimmy Ezzell.
Free Resources & A Compensation Plan Built for Speed
QuiAri is famously known for the fastest payout in the industry – 5 minutes or less – but Jimmy also noted the company’s lightning-fast Team Commission Cycles. A Team Commission is earned after 200 in Group Sales Volume (GSV) is accumulated by a Promoter – 100 GSV on their right, and 100 on their left. At other companies, it typically takes 1,000 or more GSV to trigger a Team Commission Cycle. Plus, a QuiAri Promoter only has to personally sponsor 2 people to reach the top of the Compensation Plan, which makes it easier to grow your business and get paid every 5 minutes along the way.
“QuiAri has changed the industry by doing things no other company does, like fast, more frequent payouts and free resources. The Promoters on my Team were surprised to learn they didn’t have to pay for the mobile app, Portal, or their self-replicating website.
Plus, all marketing materials, presentations, Portal, websites, and more are professionally translated into 10 languages, offering Promoters a truly global opportunity,”
stated Jimmy Ezzell.
A “One Family” Culture
Honesty, compassion, generosity, and respect are the pillars that support QuiAri’s incredible culture. QuiAri Promoters are rewarded for helping people at the bottom rise to the top. It’s not the traditional way a Direct Sales company operates, but Promoters are loving the “pay it forward” approach and are experiencing rapid growth.
“We were all once new to this industry and learned by making mistakes. It’s the accepted system, but not the best system.
Bob Reina created a “one family” culture where Promoters are rewarded for being teachers instead of competitors so that everyone succeeds.
QuiAri Leaders will help Promoters who aren’t even on their Team, giving us one of the largest support systems in the industry,”
said Jimmy Ezzell.
Frequent Global Expansion & New Resources
QuiAri Promoters never complain about the lack of communication from the top. Bob Reina, and his wife, Kristie, host a weekly Live Event with global news, updates, recognition, mindset training, and more. The Event features subtitles in 35 languages so everyone can participate, and even Customers and Prospects are encouraged to attend.
“It seems like every week history is made. Bob and Kristie always have something exciting to announce, and it’s usually life-changing for both Promoters and Customers,”
said Jimmy Ezzell.
On Thursday, Bob and Kristie announced shipping to Colombia, the opening of a QuiAri Office in Indonesia Office, shared several new marketing and training videos coming soon, provided a sneak preview of a new “Duplication Nation” training guide and a new training website, and launched a new video – “Top Reasons Why QuiAri Has The #1 Compensation Plan” available in 10 languages.
Jimmy is excited and inspired about the future of QuiAri. He set a goal to help create hundreds of six-figure income earners within the next 5 years.
“My Team means everything to me. I’ve seen my hard work help change lives all over the world. For some, it has been their health, others it has been through introducing them to the QuiAri Opportunity.
Over 20 years ago, the Network Marketing industry was there for me when my boss made me choose between work and my children. I hope that by introducing as many people as possible to QuiAri, I’ll be there for someone who has to make the same, difficult choice,”
To learn more about QuiAri, their products, and the opportunity to become a Promoter or Customer, visit https://quiari.com/en, or follow them on social media @QuiAriOfficial.
About QuiAri
Welcome to QuiAri, the new worldwide phenomenon where people are turning back the hands of time with our breakthrough anti-aging products and experiencing life-changing results thanks to our industry-first 5-Minute Pay Opportunity. We have harnessed the power of the mighty Maqui Berry by extracting a special youth molecule, creating a proprietary youth restorative formula (MaquiX®) that has taken the $500 Billion Global Anti-Aging Market by storm.
Led by Founder & CEO, Bob Reina, and his world-class Executive Team with a combined 500+ years of MLM experience, QuiAri Shake, Energy, and Prime Gel are available in over 100 countries and are considered to be the biggest breakthrough in anti-aging. From youthful skin to antioxidant support to joint, heart, and immune health and increased energy and weight management, our product is for anybody and everybody. Our Team helps people win through our #1 products and one-of-a-kind opportunity, which is the first and only to pay commissions in just 5 minutes worldwide. Visit QuiAri.com to learn more.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please note the QuiAri business opportunity offers unlimited income potential. However, QuiAri makes no guarantee of financial success. Success with QuiAri results only from successful sales efforts, which require hard work, diligence, skill, persistence, competence, and leadership. Your income will depend on how well you exercise these qualities.
Income Disclosure Statement
Please note the QuiAri business opportunity offers unlimited income potential. However, QuiAri makes no guarantee of financial success. Success with QuiAri results only from successful sales efforts, which require hard work, diligence, skill, persistence, competence, and leadership. Your income will depend on how well you exercise these qualities.
Get more information, facts and figures about QuiAri, click here for the QuiAri overview.
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