Beau Brannan Youngest to Achieve Highest Rank in LifeWave
Beau Brannan achieves Senior Presidential Director in LifeWave becoming youngest in history at twenty-four years of age. Former division one athlete and social media influencer, Beau Brannan accomplished the highest rank in just over a year.
Most importantly, Beau has helped so many of his friends and family create health and financial freedom. Coming from his athletic background, he understands helping his team achieve success is the key to winning big in Network Marketing.
“Ultimately, my main goal is to improve the quality of life physically and financially for as many people as possible,”
says Beau.
Beau is so grateful for his parents and LifeWave sponsors, Scott and Renita Brannan. He credits his upbringing and their leadership for inspiring and guiding him in becoming the person he is today.
Beau understands the importance of strong mentorship and counts himself blessed to be working with Network Marketing Legends, Steve and Gina Merritt, and credits their guidance and THIS IS IT System, in helping him build a LifeWave Business that will last for decades.
“Steve and Gina Merritt, have a heart to mentor the next generation. I’m blown away by how they make themselves available to help myself and everyone in their organization.
Their passion for people and the knowledge they have for the Network Marketing Industry flat out amazes me.”
Beau explains.
“LifeWave is the only company in the world to have this unique technology. The power of the X39 wearable device is second to none. The miracles we are experiencing from the X39 technology speak for themselves.
So many people are prioritizing their health in today’s age and looking for an alternative solution. I love that there are no external chemicals or stimulants in the patch and only our bodies light reflecting off the X39 wearable device is used to activate and regenerate our body,”
Beau explains.
“With LifeWave we are in the beginning stages of something truly remarkable. Imagine investing in companies like Apple or Tesla in their early years.
Because this technology is exclusive, patented, and works so efficiently, LifeWave is poised to become the next billion-dollar company in our industry.
Absolutely no other company has anything that can even compete with us, which explains why in 2024 we have already surpassed five hundred million,”
says Beau.
It did not take long after receiving his bachelor’s degree that Beau realized he would never be able to sacrifice his passions and time freedom to work a nine-five job. Beau encourages younger generations to take this opportunity serious. The cost of making a living is climbing so fast, it’s impossible to keep up working a job or career. Because of Beau’s leadership and influence, LifeWave is experiencing an influx of enrollments from the next gen age demographics.
“You must find a vehicle that allows you to duplicate your efforts,”
explains Beau.
“I make more money in one month from my LifeWave business, than the job offers my career would pay me yearly out of college.”
LifeWave combined with the THIS IS IT System gives me the ability to work my business into the lifestyle that I desire, not having to ask for days off to live out my dream.” Says Beau
After accelerating to the top rank in just over a year, Beau realized he was on to something Big. Now that LifeWave is one of the fastest growing companies in Network Marketing, the fact that no one has heard of the X39 Beau is confident that this is just the beginning of LifeWave’s success, and he and his team are just getting started.
About LifeWave
Since LifeWave received its Patent for the X39 technology July 2020, the company has experienced explosive growth. LifeWave has grown from $20 million to over $400 million in the last 3 years with the United States being their number one market. LifeWave has recently been reward one of the top momentum Companies in Network Marketing per Business for Home. All this excitement has captured the attention of many Network Marketing leaders around the world. The technology behind the X39 is very sophisticated, yet the average person can easily understand how it works.
David Schmidt the owner of LifeWave and inventor of X39 has been doing stem cell research since 2008 and whether the use of pulsed electromagnetic fields could have beneficial effects. David has over 130 Patents and has performed many case studies on LifeWave’s X39 patch technology. To research X39 case studies, doctor reviews, patents, and testimonies go to
Get more information, facts and figures about LifeWave, click here for the LifeWave overview.
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Outstanding job youngster!! Keep it up!!