iGenius 2024 Year in Review

iGenius had a very successful year in 2024 with new product launches, major events, business enhancements, and massive growth throughout the world.

In 2024, iGenius made several significant launches. They released a brand-new travel product called XPLOREpro. Members of iGenius got access to a new and exclusive crypto strategy through the COINpro partnership, called Cforce.

iGenius also released a new MONEYpro series called “The Millionaire Mindset”, and they launched Pro Status and the Builder Boost Bonus to help incentivize and reward their members for sharing the iGenius opportunity with others. 

iGenius also created a buzz all around the world at their major events. They held an amazing St. James Incentive trip for top builders on the beautiful beaches of Jamaica, they hosted two massive conventions in Düsseldorf, Germany and Orlando, Florida, and they hosted an igniting Leadership Summit event in Lisbon, Portugal with top leaders and builders from across the globe. 

iGenius also made several improvements and enhancements to their products, resources, and services. They added new ALERTSone channels, released a new business dashboard that helps builders see their most important stats at a quick glance, added AI translations to some of their live trainings, revamped their apparel store, released new marketing assets, and raised several funds for various iGenius Cares initiatives. 

President of iGenius, Chad Garner, said,

“2024 was a great year for iGenius. We saw great growth in both new and existing markets and have made some huge improvements and enhancements to our products and business building resources and tools. 

The future of iGenius is bright. We’re on a mission to continue to provide access to cutting edge financial education, real-time research and analysis, tools, partnerships, and community. We have a lot in store for 2025 and can’t wait to share it all with the world.

Thank you to everyone who has helped make 2024 a success. We know we wouldn’t be where we are today without the help and support of our amazing members, business builders, and corporate team.”

About iGenius

iGenius helps members amplify their quality of life by providing leading edge financial tools, education, and opportunities. iGenius can help you take control of your future and start living brilliantly. For more information about iGenius, visit: www.igeniusglobal.com.

iGenius LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Investview Inc., (OTCQB:INVU), a public company. For more information on Investview and the ability to participate in Investview’s growth, please visit investview.com or email [email protected].

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