Empower Network To Release Blog Beast

With the release of Blog Beast, its new second-generation viral blogging system, Empower Network looks to revolutionize the blogging world. Empower Network is home of top earners as Tony Rush, Lawrence Tam, Tissa Godavitarne among many others.
Blog Beast, in which Empower Network invested $3 million and one year to develop, offers a multitude of features not yet seen among the current generation of blog software. Empower Network's new system allows users to maintain multiple blogs among multiple domains from one account and one login.
It is faster, easier to use and a better design than the original version, as well as other blogging platforms, say company officials.
One of the highlights of Blog Beast is its mobile app, which syncs the computer and smartphone blogging systems in new ways. In the past, other blog platforms have released mobile apps that were watered down and not as feature-rich. Blog Beast will truly bring the same experience users enjoy on the Web to their mobiles.
WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr and other popular blog platforms don't offer some of the key features and benefits users find with Blog Beast.
When you start getting into the setup, maintenance and advance features, WordPress really is a difficult pain, said President David Sharpe. It was designed to be super user-friendly. Over time, it's become more and more complicated. Whether you agree or you don't, we've decided to make blogging easy so anyone could do it, even a grandma who's new to the Internet. Blog Beast is everything WordPress was originally meant to be.
Blog Beast simplifies the audio/video blogging experience by allowing the user to record video or audio with the aid of a mobile app. With two simple clicks, anyone can post a podcast or video online from a smartphone or computer, making Blog Beast essentially grandma-proof.
Sharing is also easier because Blog Beast allows users to reblog posts from other Blog Beast sites, giving the original author credit, while posting the content within their own blogs. A new proprietary commenting feature allows readers to share blogs and their blog comments on social media platforms with links back to the original blog posts.
Users can also withhold premium content with a paywall, which restricts access to such content and offers a call to action for viewers to upgrade their accounts in order to view it.
We wanted to create an atmosphere where no matter where you are and what your idea is, you can put it on your blog when inspiration strikes, Sharpe said. That's one of the many ways we are changing the viral blogging industry. Imagine building and managing a business from your phone.
Other features available through Blog Beast are training on blogging, marketing and leadership, as well as a customer relationship management system that allows a user to access his or her back office, view sales and transactions as well as send email blasts to customer groups.
The Blog Beast price is $25 per month, the same as the current Empower Network blogging system. Empower Network will automatically migrate all existing customers to its new platform on Oct. 7. Empower Network also offers an affiliate compensation plan to its nearly 30,000 active affiliates, and that number is expected to rise dramatically with this new system release.
A soft launch of Blog Beast is now available and for a limited time. Anyone interested in using Blog Beast before the public launch must purchase it before the Oct. 7 launch date. After that, Empower Network will disable orders until the mid-October public launch. Blog Beast orders will go live again on Oct. 14.
About Empower Network
Empower Network hosts one of the largest blogging communities and publishing platforms online in addition to providing educational and leadership training products and services to online marketers and start-up, home-based and small businesses.
Empower Network offers a program through which affiliates can earn commissions off the sales of Empower Network products. Headquartered in St. Petersburg, Fla., David Wood and David Sharpe founded Empower Network in 2011 to empower small-business owners to make money online without dealing with the technical, marketing, payroll and overhead challenges that frustrate many entrepreneurs and small-business owners. Empower Network's signature product is a viral blogging system geared toward helping its 30,000 affiliates and 70,000 members use the Internet to grow their businesses online, taking them from disenfranchisement to full self-empowerment through the use of blogs, direct sales and online marketing.