Dr. Wu Yi Che Erases Work/Personal Life Boundaries At DreamTrips

After a decade as a dental surgeon, Dr. Wu Yi Che got tired of “looking down people’s mouths for a living,” he quips.

Travel sounded far more inviting. So, he switched up his life and created a career that would earn him a seven-figure income annually, build a team of tens of thousands, and as a speaker and trainer, equip others to change their lives and live their dreams too.

“When I was a dental surgeon, my work was the four walls of a dental clinic…It certainly paid well, but promoting and marketing DreamTrips was just such a fun way to make a living,”

Dr. WU says.

“In my humble opinion, there is no sexier product in network marketing than travel. I cannot imagine marketing any other product.”

Of late, travel has been relegated to the add-on category within the network marketing industry. Companies have marketed travel as a value-added component within existing product lines, which is a disservice to the potential of this wholly-unique, experiential-based product category.

“With DreamTrips, with its 100 percent focus on travel, there is no doubt in my mind that the travel program will be much better thought out and, therefore, easier to bring to market,”

Dr. WU says.

That’s one of the reasons, he’s joined forces with Peter Powderham and Shush Arya, two fellow legends within the industry.

“Having worked with them for ten years prior and knowing their track record, it was an easy, ‘Yes’ to work with DreamTrips International together.”

And doing so is made easier with DTI’s simple-to-understand Discover System.

“We take a conscious effort to teach people how to succeed. Rather than a separate training program, training venue, training dates, it all happens on a DreamTrip. And when we train people in exotic destinations, they enjoy it more and absorb the lessons better.”

There are countless articles on the Internet about the psychological benefits of vacations and holidays, he says. They break up the monotony and routine of working life, relieve stress, promote increased cognitive flexibility, as well as deepen and integrate thought, improve mental health and relationships with friends and family.

With DreamTrips International, the tangibles and intangibles blend so easily, reminding Dr. WU of one morning in Bali when it dawned on him that he was living a dream lifestyle.

“There is no such thing as working life or personal life…it’s all just life!”

About DreamTrips International

DreamTrips International, LLC is a privately held company based in Frisco, Texas. DreamTrips International is the #1 direct seller of global travel and lifestyle club memberships. More than 1.3 million travelers have experienced the one-of-a-kind, specially curated experiences known as DreamTrips. For more information please visit DreamTrips.com

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