The Top Female Direct Selling CEO 2020 Poll

The Top Female Direct Selling CEO 2020 Poll

Business For Home is compiling the Top Female Direct Selling CEO In The World Poll for 2020.

Previous editions have been viewed over 500,000 times.

75% of the worldwide distributor sales force is women, however only 5% of the CEO’s are female.

A Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the highest-ranking corporate officer (executive) or in charge of total management of an organization. Corporate leaders and visonairs, creating culture, building the team and leading the way. Setting strategy and vision.

The CEO’s duty is building culture. Work gets done through management and distributors, and they are profoundly affected by culture.

We have nominated the Top Female CEO’s or Co-CEO’s in cooperation with numerous Direct Selling Professionals. If we have missed your awesome CEO or for questions, please email our Support Desk.

According to industry experts:

“The CEO and/or owner is the most important factor in any business. If you have a good one with a good mind and good heart, that will solve almost any problem.


A good leader will always find a way to create a great opportunity for you. If you have a bad leader, it doesn’t matter how good the product or compensation plan is, they will find a way to mess it up“

Voting is in real time, to keep our polls honest, you can vote 1 time only, through our app (iOS and Android).

To prevent “ghost votes” we have implemented a number of undisclosed algorithms. Do not try to vote multiple times, we notice that, and it gives you as your company a bad name.

This poll is closed, it is no longer possible to vote

The poll will end 31 October 2020
at 12.00 pm (Amsterdam Time)

How to vote: download or update the
FREE App for iOS (Click here)
FREE App for Android (Click here)

In the App, scroll down and click “Poll”
Use the search function or scroll to select the company of your choice and click “Vote Now”

The Top 30:

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